National Science and Technology Conference National Science and Technology Award Conference Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences held in Beijing

National Science and Technology Conference National Science and Technology Award Conference Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences held in Beijing

Xi Jinping gave awards and delivered an important speech for the winners of the National Highest Science and Technology Award, stressing that science and technology will prosper the nation, and science and technology will strengthen the country. Chinese modernization depends on the modernization of science and technology, and high-quality development depends on scientific and technological innovation to cultivate new momentum. We must fully understand the strategic leading position and fundamental supporting role of science and technology, anchor the strategic goal of building a strong country in science and technology by 2035, strengthen top-level design and overall planning, and accelerate the realization of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology

Li Qiang Chairs Ding Xuexiang to Read out the Award Decision

Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Li Xi attended

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference and delivered an important speech. Photographed by Yao Dawei, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 24 The National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People on the morning of the 24th. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference, presented awards and delivered important speeches for the winners of the National Highest Science and Technology Award. He stressed that science and technology will prosper the nation, and science and technology will strengthen the country. Chinese modernization depends on the modernization of science and technology, and high-quality development depends on scientific and technological innovation to cultivate new momentum. We must fully understand the strategic leading position and fundamental supporting role of science and technology, anchor the strategic goal of building a strong country in science and technology by 2035, strengthen top-level design and overall planning, and accelerate the realization of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology.

Li Qiang presided over the meeting, Ding Xuexiang read out the award decision, and Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi and Li Xi attended.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi and others attended the conference. Photographed by Xie Huanchi, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

At 10 a.m., the Assembly began. The PLA military band played the March of the Volunteers, and the whole audience stood up and sang the national anthem.

Ding Xuexiang read out the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on National Science and Technology Awards in 2023.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the award to Li Deren, academician of Wuhan University, who won the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award. Photographed by Xie Huanchi, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the award to Xue Qikun, academician of Tsinghua University, who won the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award. Photographed by Xie Huanchi, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented awards to Academician Li Deren (right) of Wuhan University and Academician Xue Qikun (left) of Tsinghua University who won the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

When the bugle sounded, Xi Jinping first presented medals and certificates to Li Deren, academician of Wuhan University, and Xue Qikun, academician of Tsinghua University, who won the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award, and shook hands with them warmly. Later, the Xi Jinping Equality Party and state leaders, together with the two winners of the highest award, issued certificates to the representatives who won the National Natural Science Award, the National Award for Technological Invention, the National Award for Science and Technology Progress and the People's Republic of China Award for International Science and Technology Cooperation.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. This is a certificate issued by Xi Jinping's party and state leaders together with the two winners of the highest award for the representatives who won the National Natural Science Award, the National Award for Technological Invention, the National Award for Science and Technology Progress and the People's Republic of China Award for International Science and Technology Cooperation. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. This is a certificate issued by Xi Jinping's party and state leaders together with the two winners of the highest award for the representatives who won the National Natural Science Award, the National Award for Technological Invention, the National Award for Science and Technology Progress and the People's Republic of China Award for International Science and Technology Cooperation. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

In warm applause, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has deeply promoted the implementation of the innovation driven development strategy, put forward the strategic task of accelerating the construction of an innovative country, continuously deepened the reform of the scientific and technological system, and vigorously promoted the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology. New breakthroughs have been made in China's basic frontier research, new leaps have been made in the strategic high-tech field, and new achievements have been made in the innovation driven high-quality development, The reform of the science and technology system has opened up a new situation, new progress has been made in international opening up and cooperation, and historic achievements and changes have taken place in science and technology.

Xi Jinping stressed that in the development of science and technology in the new era, we have constantly deepened our understanding of laws and accumulated many important experiences, mainly including: adhering to the overall leadership of the Party, adhering to the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, adhering to innovation leading development, adhering to the strategic orientation of "four orientations", and adhering to stimulating innovation through deepening reform, We will continue to promote a virtuous circle of educational and scientific talents, foster a culture of innovation, and promote openness and cooperation in science and technology for the benefit of mankind. These experiences must be adhered to for a long time and constantly enriched and developed in practice.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the world's unprecedented major changes in a century have accelerated their evolution, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform have developed in depth, and profoundly reshaped the global order and development pattern. There are still some shortcomings and weaknesses in the development of China's science and technology. We must further strengthen the sense of urgency, further strengthen scientific and technological innovation, and seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Before the meeting, Xi Jinping and other leaders met with the winners of the National Science and Technology Award. Photographed by Xie Huanchi, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the new national system, improve the system of centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee over scientific and technological work, and build a coordinated and efficient decision-making and command system and organizational implementation system. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of scientific and technological resources, better play the role of the government, mobilize the enthusiasm of all links of production, education and research, and form a working pattern of jointly promoting the key core technology. We should strengthen the construction of national strategic scientific and technological forces, improve the systematization of basic research, encourage free exploration, and lay a solid foundation for scientific and technological innovation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that we should promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and help develop new quality productivity. Focus on the key areas and weak links in the construction of modern industrial system, increase the supply of high-quality science and technology, cultivate and develop emerging industries and future industries, and actively use new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries. Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements. Do a good job in science and technology finance.

Xi Jinping stressed that we should comprehensively deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and mechanism, coordinate the construction of various innovation platforms, and strengthen the optimal allocation of innovation resources. Improve the layout of regional scientific and technological innovation, improve the management of scientific and technological plans, and enhance the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation investment. Accelerate the improvement of the classification and evaluation system and assessment mechanism in line with the laws of scientific research activities, improve the incentive system, and release innovation vitality.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to deepen the reform of the system and mechanism of education, science and technology talents, improve the mechanism of coordinated education of science and education, and accelerate the cultivation of a large scale, reasonable structure, and high-quality innovative talent team. Optimize the discipline setting of colleges and universities, innovate the talent training mode, and improve the level and quality of independent talent training. Accelerate the construction of national strategic talent force, and focus on cultivating outstanding engineers, large country craftsmen, and highly skilled talents. We will strengthen the training of young scientific and technological talents, vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, and encourage researchers to be ambitious, patriotic and innovative.

Xi Jinping stressed that we should deeply implement the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and achieve self-reliance in open cooperation. Deeply implement international scientific and technological cooperation initiatives, further expand the channels of communication and cooperation between the government and the people, give play to the role of platforms such as jointly building the "Belt and Road", and support researchers from all countries to jointly tackle key problems. Actively integrate into the global innovation network, deeply participate in global science and technology governance, jointly address global challenges, and make science and technology better benefit mankind.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the award to Li Deren, academician of Wuhan University, who won the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented the award to Xue Qikun, academician of Tsinghua University, who won the 2023 National Highest Science and Technology Award. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Xi Jinping expressed the hope that the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be good pioneers of the frontier of science and technology, leaders of major tasks, leaders of the growth of young talents, and demonstrators of the spirit of scientists, and make new contributions to the development of China's science and technology. The majority of scientific and technological workers should consciously integrate their academic pursuit into the great cause of building a scientific and technological power, and create new achievements worthy of the times and the people. Party committees and governments at all levels should conscientiously strengthen the organization and leadership of scientific and technological work, and make every effort to ensure service.

Li Qiang pointed out when presiding over the conference that the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping fully affirmed the historic achievements of China's scientific and technological innovation and development in recent years, profoundly summarized the important experience of the development of science and technology in the new era, and brilliantly discussed the important role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting Chinese style modernization and realizing the great process of the second century goal, The basic connotation and main tasks of accelerating the construction of a strong country in science and technology under the new situation were systematically expounded, which pointed out the direction for the scientific and technological work in the new era. It is necessary to study and understand in depth and earnestly implement. On the new journey, to achieve a high level of self-reliance in science and technology and build a strong country in science and technology, the mission is glorious and the responsibility is great. We need to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, comprehensively implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, further enhance the consciousness and determination of doing a good job in science and technology, and comprehensively promote the building of a strong country with Chinese style modernization The great cause of national rejuvenation is unity and struggle.

At the meeting, Li Deren and Xue Qikun made speeches on behalf of all the winners.

Before the meeting, Xi Jinping and other leaders met with the award-winning representatives of the National Science and Technology Award and took a group photo with them.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Before the meeting, Xi Jinping and other leaders met with the winners of the National Science and Technology Award. This was a cordial exchange between Xi Jinping and Li Deren, academician of Wuhan University, who won the National Highest Science and Technology Award in 2023. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Before the meeting, Xi Jinping and other leaders met with the winners of the National Science and Technology Award. This was a cordial exchange between Xi Jinping and Academician Xue Qikun of Tsinghua University, who won the National Highest Science and Technology Award in 2023. Photographed by Ju Peng, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, relevant leading comrades of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, State Councilors, President of the Supreme People's Court, Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and relevant leading comrades of the CPPCC National Committee attended the meeting.

About 3000 people attended the conference, including provincial, district and city leaders, cities specifically designated in the state plan, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, leading comrades from relevant departments of the central and state organs, relevant people's organizations, and relevant units of the military, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, some foreign academicians, and award-winning representatives of the National Science and Technology Award.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Before the meeting, Xi Jinping and other leaders met with the winners of the National Science and Technology Award. Photographed by Xie Huanchi, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, the 21st Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Before the meeting, Xi Jinping and other leaders met with the award-winning representatives of the National Science and Technology Award and took a group photo with them. Photographed by Xie Huanchi, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

A total of 250 projects and 12 scientific and technological experts were selected for the 2023 National Science and Technology Award. Among them, there are 2 people with the highest national science and technology award; 49 National Natural Science Awards, including 1 first prize and 48 second prizes; 62 National Technological Invention Awards, including 8 first prizes and 54 second prizes; 139 National Science and Technology Progress Awards, including 3 Grand Prizes, 16 First Prizes and 120 Second Prizes; Ten foreign experts were awarded the People's Republic of China Award for International Scientific and Technological Cooperation.

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