Sichuan issued 54.6 billion yuan of government bonds in the first half of the year

On June 21, the Provincial Department of Finance successfully issued the fifth batch of government bonds of RMB 12.964 billion in 2024 in the Central Government Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., with an average issuance interest rate of 2.35% and an average bid multiple of 22.26 times. This batch is all refinancing bonds, which are strictly used to repay bonds due in 2024. So far, our province has issued a total of 54.6 billion yuan of government bonds in the first half of this year.

In the second half of the year, The Provincial Department of Finance will continue to strengthen market research and judgment, scientifically plan bond issuance, issue one batch of mature projects, give play to the positive role of government bonds in adjusting the structure, promoting investment and stabilizing growth, further improve the efficiency of bond fund use, and prepare to empower high-quality development of our province.

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