Xinzhou Finance Bureau held a special training on "Macroeconomic Situation and High Quality Development of Xinzhou Economy"

On the morning of June 20, Xinzhou Municipal Finance Bureau held a special training on "Macroeconomic Situation and High Quality Development of Xinzhou Economy", inviting Zhou Xijun, Ph.D. in Management, Dean of Continuing Education College of Xinzhou Normal University, and Professor of the Department of Economics and Management to give lectures, and all cadres and staff of the government and bureau affiliated units to participate.

conference hall

With the theme of "China's macro-economic situation and high-quality development of Xinzhou's economy", Professor Zhou Xijun introduced the national macro-economic situation and pointed out the problems that should be paid more attention to in the economic development of our city by using a large number of detailed data and vivid examples, centering on "the difficulties, causes and trends of China's economy" and "the characteristics, problems and suggestions of Xinzhou's economy", And put forward targeted suggestions, which have strong guidance, practicality and practicality, and play a positive role for financial cadres to accurately grasp the economic situation, think about financial work, and better serve the high-quality economic development of Xinzhou City.

Professor Zhou Xijun gives lectures

This training has further deepened the financial cadres' understanding and understanding of the current macroeconomic situation, enriched theoretical reserves and broadened their horizons. Everyone expressed that they would take this opportunity to further strengthen their confidence and confidence in the current economic work, devote themselves to financial work with greater enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and contribute financial power to the high-quality economic development of Xinzhou.

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