Fangtianxia > Changzhou second-hand housing > Clock tower second-hand house > Xilin second-hand house > Ruchenchenyi second-hand house

Next to Xilin Park, Ruchen Chenyi, Room 4, rough western-style house, good house type, come to me and enjoy channel discount


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two hundred ten thousand
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To bid

3 rooms, 2 halls and 2 bathrooms
House type
140 square meters
built-up area
14286 yuan/m2
Unit Price
north and south
Floor (9 floors in total)

Score: 4.4

The calf looks at the house
phone Room chat
Housing source information
Architectural age 2023
With or without elevator yes
Nature of property right Personal property rights
Residential category Ordinary residence
building structure Leveling
Building category Slab building
Listing time 2024-04-19
  • Core selling points
    Reason for recommendation
    1. Superior geographical location
    2. The bus is very convenient. Convenient travel and commuting
    3. Convenient shopping, saving your precious time
    4. Community greening. Beautiful environment. Quiet and harmonious, good environment always brings people good mood
    5. The room is clean and tidy, warm and comfortable, bright and clean, waiting for you to check in
    6. Spacious and bright, generous layout, good lighting
  • Owner mentality
    The owner of this property is willing to sell it. As long as your price is within this range, you can negotiate with the owner.
  • Tax analysis
    For details of tax analysis of this house, please call me and I will provide detailed tax information.
  • Community supporting facilities
    Shopping mall: Baolong, Tianjie
    Bank: Agricultural Bank of China, Postal Savings, Rural Commercial Bank
    Hospitals: Changzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Zhonglou Hospital Area of Changzhou People's Hospital
  • Service introduction
    Transaction process: signing the house sale and purchase contract → down payment → loan repayment → → → tax review and transfer → → house delivery
    I promise:
    1. Accompanied throughout the process to solve problems encountered in the process
    2. We provide one (two) rooms for sale (lease) and free consultation
Listing pictures
 Cell correlation diagram
Realistic picture
 Apartment layout diagram
Apartment layout diagram
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Interior drawing
 Cell correlation diagram
Realistic picture
Ruchenchenyi Community Information
Reference average price sixteen thousand four hundred and twenty-five RMB/m2
Year on year No data available
Month on month ↓0.17%
Property type residence
Property expenses 2.2 yuan/m2 · month
Building type Slab building
Term of property right seventy
Greening rate 35%
Plot ratio two
Pedestrian and vehicle diversion nothing
Total number of buildings four

New listing priority notice

Current selection: Ruchen Chenyi 16425 yuan/square meter subscribe
Surrounding facilities
Tang Yuncheng's Evaluation
Praise rate 100%
Authenticity five
Satisfaction five
Professionalism five
Please comment on his service Well received Neutral comment negative comment
Authenticity of house information
Satisfaction with service attitude
Professional level
Disclaimer: The source information is provided by the website user, and the authenticity and legitimacy of the information provider is responsible, and the final registration and filing by the government department shall prevail. This website does not declare or guarantee the correctness and reliability of the content. Please check carefully when purchasing the house. Admission is only based on historical experience, and no admission is promised here. Please do not pay any fees before signing the contract to avoid being cheated.