The 2024 Annual Meeting of the China Development Forum was held to discuss China's sustainable development

On March 24, the 2024 annual meeting of the China Development Forum opened in Beijing. With the theme of "sustainable development of China", this annual meeting is composed of the opening ceremony, special seminars, closed door seminars and other links, lasting for two days. Chinese and foreign guests will focus on the momentum and prospects of China's sustainable development, carbon neutrality and global climate governance, and the development and governance of artificial intelligence     Details>>

Continuous investment and innovation ZF is confident in the Chinese market

Continuous investment and innovation ZF is confident in the Chinese market

ZF Group said that as the world's largest automobile market, the Chinese market still has great potential. As a global technology company, ZF will continue to increase its weight in the Chinese market, continue to invest, continue to innovate, and continue to promote this     Details>>

The market is full of infinite opportunities Michelin will continue to take root in China

The market is full of infinite opportunities Michelin will continue to take root in China

The common journey of Michelin and China goes beyond that. China is moving towards high-quality and sustainable development, with the focus on innovation. The Chinese government has set ambitious goals and formulated ambitious policies to help it achieve them. This is different from     Details>>

Kang Linsong: Mercedes Benz will continue to grasp the development opportunities of the Chinese market
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Kang Linsong: Mercedes Benz will continue to grasp the development opportunities of the Chinese market

Kang Linsong: "In recent years, China has been releasing a positive signal to promote a high level of opening up, which has effectively enhanced market confidence. China's huge economic achievements have proved that open markets can give the world's economies and people     Details>>

Turing Award winner: AI application still has limitations at this stage

Turing Award winner: AI application still has limitations at this stage

Joseph Hifarkis, winner of the Turing Prize in 2007, said that although AI technology has made significant progress and ushered in generative AI, AI applications at this stage are still mainly limited to weak intelligence, mainly question and answer applications     Details>>