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Suzhou: Digitization Makes Intangible Cultural Heritage "Tide up"

2024-05-22 10:28:00
Source: Science and Technology Daily
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[Typical case of science and technology empowerment in cultural China]

Reporter Zhang Ye Correspondent Li Jia

The ancient city of Suzhou is bustling with tourists, and Pingjiang Historical and Cultural Street is a scenic spot step by step. "I unexpectedly found some hidden scenes." Just after visiting the Lion Forest, a tourist was still interested. He put on VR glasses to appreciate the beauty of the garden. Recently, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province launched the "Lion Forest · Garden Universe" project, which uses 5G network technology, UAVs and 360 ° panoramic high-definition VR glasses to skillfully combine the operation mode of traditional gardens with high-tech products, so that visitors can feel the integration of modern technology and classical gardens.

In the information age, how to inherit the intangible cultural heritage and make it glow with new brilliance? Suzhou has made a successful exploration.

"Intangible Cultural Heritage+Digital" is the diversion of cultural tourism

Pingjiang Historical and Cultural Street in Gusu District has become a "window" to observe the inheritance and development of Suzhou intangible cultural heritage.

Gao Suxin, the person in charge of Suzhou Yunlian Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd., showed the "Traveling in Suzhou" app to reporters. In the app, you can see cultural customs, intangible cultural heritage handicrafts and ordered goods, with all functions, demonstrating the potential and business opportunities of "intangible cultural heritage+digital".

Up to now, Gusu District has a total of 100 intangible cultural heritage projects in 9 categories, which have been included in the national and provincial, municipal and district intangible cultural heritage representative lists. In order to strengthen digital protection and inheritance, Gusu District has set up special columns such as "intangible cultural heritage projects", "intangible cultural heritage inheritors" and "intangible cultural heritage creation" in the "HuiGusu" App.

Since 2014, Suzhou has gradually built a digital protection system. At present, a 420 square kilometer 3D model with the ancient city as the core has been completed, allowing the Pingjiang Map to accelerate the digital twin. This digital achievement is also convenient for citizens. Users only need to search for "Digital Ancient City" on the "Suzhou" App to experience the highly restored garden landscape in depth without leaving home.

Today, digitalization has become an important engine for Suzhou intangible cultural heritage to move towards a broad market. Yu Jia, a scholar of literature and history, believes that the rapid development of "digital+" provides a powerful tool to solve the problem of the dissemination and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage.

"Inheritance+innovation" has greater achievements

Pingjiang historical and cultural block is not only the carrier of Jiangnan culture, but also the epitome of traditional Chinese culture.

Nowadays, more and more young people like traditional intangible cultural heritage. The reporter saw at the Zhencaitang Kesi Experience Center in the reception hall of cultural tourism that some young apprentices are studying hard, and they can master basic skills after a period of learning under the careful guidance of intangible cultural heritage masters.

Pingjiang Road is like a "double-sided embroidery", which is both traditional and modern, old and young: online stores open in old houses in alleys, imported coffee shops erect antique signs, ancient intangible cultural heritage and trendy jewelry are placed in the same window, Suzhou Pingtan echoes with guitar ballads, and "fireworks" and "literary style" complement each other

Suzhou has more highlights in digital protection, inheritance and innovation of intangible cultural heritage. Since 2020, Gusu District has initiated the "Ancient City Cell Anatomy Project". The cultural relics protection staff regard the traditional houses and structures in the ancient city as "cells". They went into old houses to collect information about gatehouses, boundary stones, steles, ancient wells and so on, and conducted in-depth surveys of houses, ancient wells, ancient trees and bridges in 54 neighborhoods and 14.2 square kilometers; At the same time, we collected the residents' "historical memory" of the old house to provide scientific basis for the overall protection and renewal, and rebuilt a "twin ancient city" of Suzhou in the digital world.

"The inheritance and innovation of Suzhou intangible cultural heritage should face the future." Fang Shinan, chief expert of Soochow Think Tank of Soochow University and professor of Soochow University, said that the process of inheritance and innovation of intangible cultural heritage is the process of connecting the past, the present and the future. To this end, intangible cultural heritage should seek to combine with the needs of the times, scientific and technological innovation, public aesthetics, and daily life, and strive to become bigger and stronger in the diverse cultural and creative space of "intangible cultural heritage+digital", "intangible cultural heritage+cultural innovation", "intangible cultural heritage+education", "intangible cultural heritage+research" and so on.

(Science and Technology Daily)

[Editor in charge: Li Dan]