
People don't realize until middle age that the best way to live the rest of their lives is actually three words

What kind of life do you want to pursue?

Is the money enough to spend contentedly, or do you want to have a luxury life with luxury cars, wine, and beauty?

When I was middle-aged, I realized that the so-called fame, wealth and property were just passing away, and the best way to live was only three words: Don't run away

01 Don't escape from reality

Escape seems to be a shortcut in life, but it is actually the way to hell.

The more you escape from reality, the more you can't solve the pain in reality.

The continuous accumulation of pain will inevitably lead to mental collapse.

In the movie "Nightmare Doll's House", Sister Bess always evades the reality of being imprisoned and abused by a pervert, pretending that she has successfully escaped. After years of success, everything is changing for the better.

However, this avoidance could not make her situation better.

On the contrary, when she returned to reality from fantasy, she suffered a greater blow.

It turned out that from beginning to end there was no success. She had been tortured by the perverts, and the double impact of physical and mental nearly made her nervous collapse.

Avoidance can avoid temporary embarrassment, but it cannot avoid accumulated problems.

Only by facing the problem correctly can we find a solution to the problem in the face of it again and again.

Just as Mr. Lu Xun found that practicing medicine could not save backward China, he resolutely abandoned medicine and followed literature.

To live a down-to-earth life is not to escape from your wrong choice of direction, but to correct problems in time after finding them.

02 Don't Escape Difficulties

Madame Curie once said, "Never give in to any difficulty."

Those who take the initiative to avoid difficulties will not be favored by the goddess of luck.

During the war, the writer Hu Lancheng could not face the turbulent life. In order to escape the difficult real life, he chose to lean against Wang Puppet and became the head of the propaganda department under his banner.

Hu Lancheng thought that the choice he made to avoid suffering could make him live a better life, but he did not expect that this move pushed him into the abyss. Since then, bad reputation has followed him all his life, and everyone can not avoid it.

The hardships in life, from another perspective, are also tests.

Those who pass the test will always be rewarded; Those who try to cheat will only regret for life.

As the educator Xu Teli said: "Avoid the heavy and choose the light, abandon the difficult and choose the easy, and you will achieve nothing."

It is extremely difficult to collect Chinese classical architecture into a volume, but Liang Sicheng did not give up easily and measured every piece of land in China with his feet, so that he could finally write the History of Chinese Architecture.

Those who only want to avoid difficulties will inevitably fall behind.

Only by facing difficulties and making breakthroughs in key points can we win the favor of our destiny.

03 Don't escape from fate

Escape is a shortcut without an end. You never know where you will go.

Because of this, the more you avoid fate, the more you will deviate from your goal.

A mature middle-aged person will understand that avoiding responsibility cannot make life better.

On the contrary, when you take the responsibility that you should take, you will have hope and your family will have vitality.

In the novel Alive, the young Fugui can be said to be a person who likes to escape from fate.

The wealth of his family made him lose the sense of crisis in life, and he only indulged in fun every day, avoiding his responsibilities as the head of the family.

His escape, however, has become a family ordeal.

All the fields and cash in the family were lost, and the whole family was forced to move out of the yard, and they were under the guidance of others while struggling to survive.

Because of the loss of money, Fugui's parents died one after another, making him no longer indifferent.

When Fugui comes to his senses and picks up a hoe as a farmer, life shows signs of improving all the way.

It is not fate that overwhelms a person, but escape.

Life can go on without escaping from fate.

The writer Lu Yao wrote in the Ordinary World, "Since we are alive, we should live well."

When you choose to face life with an evasive attitude, life naturally does not fake words to you.

If you can face it positively and practice hard, life will also lend a helping hand.

I hope you and I can find the right way to live, not escape, not shrink back, challenge ourselves with a fearless spirit, and achieve new life.


About the author: In the clouds. There have been more than 100000 articles, and I like writing. I like to open my mind and keep writing. Go back to Sohu to see more

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