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Hainan triangle plum new variety "cassock" won the gold medal of 2024 World Garden Conference

South China Sea Network

      On April 30, the new Hainan client, Nanhai. com reported (reporter Yi Fan). On April 27-28, at the 7th World Garden Conference held in Haining, Zhejiang Province, 10 new varieties of Bougainvillea, including "cassock" and "the story of time", were selected by the Flower Center of the Institute of Tropical Agricultural Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences.

A new variety of triangle plum "cassock". Photograph provided by respondents

    Among them, the "cassock" of Bougainvillea triloba won the gold medal in the selection of flower varieties in China Adaptability (ACS). "Saffron" and "Story of Time" won the first and second place respectively in the selection of the best popular new and excellent varieties, which attracted the attention of many flower practitioners attending the meeting.

"The story of time", a new variety of triangle plum. Photograph provided by respondents

      Niu Junhai, deputy director of the Flower Center of the Institute of Quality and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, introduced that the "cassock" is growing strongly, blooming luxuriantly, with a large number of flowers, orange red and bright. Compared with the existing multicoloured varieties, the "story of time" is more colorful and changeable. The overall color is fresh and bright, and the plant has strong branching and full crown. At present, these new varieties have started large-scale production and will be promoted in the market within the year.