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Notice on Filling in the Questionnaire on Tropical Crop Variety Protection

National Tropical Plant Germplasm Resources Bank

Dear Sir/Madam

In order to fully understand the current situation, existing problems, urgent needs and suggestions of tropical crop variety protection in China, and promote the protection and utilization of tropical crop varieties in China, the Hainan Free Trade Port Agricultural Plant New Variety Review Cooperation Center will carry out a questionnaire survey on the protection of tropical crop varieties. You are hereby invited to fill out this questionnaire before November 18, 2023. The content filled in the questionnaire is only used for statistical analysis, and the report is written and submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for policy formulation. It is not used for any other purpose or public use.


Hainan Free Trade Port Agricultural Plant New Variety Examination Cooperation Center

November 13, 2023

Questionnaire QR code

Scan the QR code or open the link to fill in