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The National Tropical Plant Germplasm Resources Bank actively participates in the construction of global animal and plant germplasm resources transit base

He Yun

Recently, under the leadership of researcher Li Qiong, a germplasm resource expert of the National Tropical Plant Germplasm Resources Bank, and in conjunction with Jianghan University and other units, the 2022 Hainan Provincial Key Research and Development Project "Construction of DNA Molecular ID Card of Global Representative Cassava Germplasm Resources (ZDYF2022XDNY352)" was approved and approved, with a implementation period of three years.

The research contents of the project mainly include: 1500 cassava germplasm resources introduced from the International Tropical Agriculture Center (CIAT), and phenotypic identification of the introduced and existing cassava germplasm resources; The DNA of cassava germplasm was extracted, and the screened MNP markers were used for genotyping of cassava germplasm to form DNA fingerprints and build the DNA molecular identity card library of cassava germplasm resources.

Through the development of efficient and accurate cassava germplasm resources identification technology, the project will build a molecular identity card of cassava germplasm resources, build an open and transparent plant intellectual property platform, attract more excellent foreign resources into China, enrich China's germplasm resources reserves, and increase the resource base for new varieties cultivation.

The project was approved as a specific measure for the National Tropical Plant Germplasm Resources Bank to serve the global animal and plant germplasm resources transit base, increase international exchanges and cooperation, and increase the reserves of tropical crop germplasm resources. The National Tropical Plant Germplasm Resources Bank will take the implementation of the project as an opportunity to actively meet the national and regional strategic needs, serve local economic and social development, and help the construction of global animal and plant germplasm resources transit bases.

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