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What is the development situation of China's hot seed industry?

Zhong Xin (China Agricultural Reclamation Economic Development Center)/Farmers Daily

Grain is the foundation of the country, and seed industry is the foundation of grain. In recent years, the development of China's seed industry has made great progress, which has provided an important guarantee for the high yield of food and the national economy and people's livelihood. In the face of today's complex and changing international situation and increasingly fierce scientific and technological competition, the development of China's seed industry, especially the hot seed industry, is more urgent and important than ever.

Seed is the "chip" of agriculture, and seed industry is a national strategic and basic core industry. The hot farming industry is an important industry to ensure the supply of important agricultural products such as natural rubber and drive the economic development of the hot zone. The hot farming seed industry is the basis for the development of the hot farming industry. With the rapid development of the seed industry, the hot farming seed industry cannot be absent.

(1) The hot seed industry has outstanding comparative advantages.

Hot seed industry is an important carrier of South South cooperation. There are many countries and large populations in tropical regions, and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" is mainly located in the tropics. Hot crop varieties have become an important carrier of exchanges and cooperation with countries in hot regions. In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Cuba and presented the Cuban people with horseradish seeds. These seeds have now taken root, sprouted, and flourished, becoming a new witness to the friendship between China and Cuba. At present, the world is in a situation of great change not seen in a century, trade protectionism is on the rise, and the COVID-19 epidemic has a far-reaching impact. In this context, there is a broad prospect for strengthening international cooperation in the hot seed industry.

The hot seed industry is an important breakthrough for China's seed industry. The pattern of the global seed industry is undergoing profound adjustment, and the international competition in the seed industry is intensifying. However, the business of the international seed giants is mainly concentrated in the fields of temperate crops such as corn, soybeans, wheat, etc. The hot seed industry is the weak link of the international seed giants' control. Vigorously developing the hot seed industry is not only conducive to deepening exchanges and cooperation between China and countries in hot regions, but also likely to break through under the tight encirclement of international giants.

Seed industry is the basis for ensuring the supply of natural rubber, a strategic material. Planting glue for the country, consolidating national defense and ensuring people's livelihood are the original mission of hot workers. China's natural rubber has broken the international judgment that "it is impossible to plant rubber trees north of 17 degrees north latitude", and has realized the large-scale northward planting of rubber trees, reaching 24 degrees north latitude as far as the north. In recent years, the trade competition of natural rubber is intensifying. In this case, whoever has mastered the germplasm resources and bred good varieties will be able to take advantage of the yield, quality and cost, and stand firm and take the initiative in the cruel market competition. With the delimitation of the 18 million mu production protection zone, in order to consolidate the production foundation and ensure the safe supply of strategic resources, it is necessary to accelerate the breeding of new rubber tree varieties that are premature and high-yield, and have both excellent bakelite and bakelite.

Seed industry is the basis of high-quality development of hot farming industry. With the upgrading of consumption, people's demand for lychee, longan, banana and other hot crop products is growing and their quality requirements are rising. It is the objective demand of the market to cultivate new varieties with green ecology, nutrition and safety, and good quality. In recent years, due to global warming, rubber powdery mildew, banana fusarium wilt and other diseases and insect pests are serious. It is necessary to speed up the breeding of varieties with high resistance to diseases and insect pests, reduce investment in pesticides and fertilizers, improve product quality and safety, and promote cost saving and efficiency increase. With the rising labor costs of hot production, especially rubber tapping, coffee sisal harvesting and other labor costs, it is necessary to speed up the cultivation of varieties suitable for mechanized operations, help the transformation and upgrading of production methods, and improve production efficiency.

(2) The hot seed industry supports the industrial development.

At present, China has initially built a whole hot zone working system covering the collection, preservation, identification, cataloguing, distribution and utilization of hot crop germplasm resources and resource information, and has built a batch of hot crop germplasm resource nurseries and germplasm innovation bases, including rubber trees, cassava, litchi, longan, mango, bananas, sisal, and southern medicine. The total number of resources in the nurseries is more than 30, 38000 copies, The number of resource reserves is among the top in the world. At the same time, it is the first in the world to carry out research on the whole genome sequencing of hot crops, and the genome sequencing level of pepper, coconut, cassava, mango, rubber, horseradish and other crops is leading in the world.

Excellent and new varieties with independent intellectual property rights continue to emerge, reversing the situation that hot crop production mainly depends on imported varieties. We have developed and promoted a batch of excellent new varieties of hot crop, such as "Guanyinlu" litchi, "Dongbao No. 9" longan, "Kate" mango, "South China" cassava, "Wenye" coconut, and more than 40 varieties have passed the national hot crop variety certification, and formulated 34 variety certification specifications and test technical procedures for 17 crops. "Zhongjiao 9", a high resistance variety to banana fusarium wilt, can better replace Brazil banana and other varieties mainly planted in areas with severe fusarium wilt. "Reyan 7-20-59", a fast-growing, high-yielding and late maturing variety, has become the main variety of a new generation of rubber plantations in the whole week. The number of production, supply and operation entities in China's hot seed industry is increasing, and the number of national seed production and operation licensed enterprises is more than 300, including 11 breeding and promotion integrated seed enterprises. More than 40 national natural rubber seedling subsidy bases will be built, with annual supply of about 10 million seedlings, and the coverage rate of improved varieties in subsidy areas will be 100%. It is confirmed that 21 South Asian tropical crop seed and seedling breeding bases have been established in three batches, and the structure of hot crop varieties has been continuously optimized. The coverage rate of natural rubber, bananas and other main hot crop varieties exceeds 90%, and the supply rate of main hot crop commercial seedlings exceeds 80%, effectively guaranteeing the demand for hot crop production.

In recent years, as China's seed industry continues to accelerate the process of opening up to the outside world, the exchange of norms on hot crop germplasm resources such as rubber trees and pineapples has been further strengthened. A total of 2000 hot crop germplasm resources have been introduced, and a number of disease resistant, high-yield or cold resistant germplasm resources have been introduced, filling the gap of hot crop germplasm resources in China. At the same time, China has exported hot seeds such as Moringa oleifera in strict accordance with relevant regulations, extensively carried out exchanges and cooperation in hot farming technology, and promoted the development of the world's hot farming industry. For example, Chinese enterprises have promoted 6.5 million mu of "South China No. 5" cassava varieties in Cambodia, changing the situation that there has been no main cassava varieties in Cambodia for many years, and effectively serving the "Belt and Road" agricultural cooperation.

Compared with the high-quality development requirements of the hot crop industry, there are still many shortcomings in the development of seed industry; The foundation is weak, especially the family background of hot crop germplasm resources has not been found out, the species and quantity of hot crop germplasm resources in natural ecology have significantly decreased, and the disappearance of wild relatives has accelerated; The original innovation ability is insufficient. Compared with wheat, rice and other major crops, there is still a big gap in breeding innovation of most tropical crops in China. In particular, the number of excellent new varieties independently researched and developed, with strong resistance to adversity and wide range of promotion is still small; It is difficult to protect varieties. The breeding cycle of tropical crops is long, and most of them are asexual propagation. New varieties can be obtained by grafting, cutting and cultivation of shoots and tissues. The cost of propagation is not high, and the protection of intellectual property rights of new varieties is difficult; The strength of hot seed industry enterprises is not strong, and there are almost no leading enterprises specialized in hot seed industry management, which has become the biggest obstacle restricting the development of hot seed industry and hot seed industry.

(3) Hot seed industry needs policy coordination.

Increase investment in cutting-edge, basic and public welfare research of hot seed industry. We will study and implement the special project to improve the hot crop seed industry, support the construction of hot crop germplasm resource nursery (library), and create a number of key research platforms and test bases. We will study and resume subsidies for improved varieties of hot crops such as rubber trees to improve the coverage of improved varieties. Establish a diversified investment mechanism guided by the government and participated by the main body of enterprises, give credit and tax preference to eligible hot seed enterprises in accordance with relevant national regulations, and guide the construction of commercial breeding, breeding innovation, seed production and processing bases, etc.

Seize the important opportunity of building Hainan into a global animal and plant germplasm resources import and transit base, and widely carry out the collection, sharing and exchange of hot crop germplasm resources around the world. Improve the facilities and conditions of hot farming resource nursery (storehouse), and strengthen the application of advanced technologies such as low-temperature in vitro preservation in hot farming seed industry. Build a precise identification base and a large-scale gene mining platform to improve the level of precise identification, evaluation, mining and utilization of germplasm resources. Educate and cultivate a batch of professional talents of hot crop germplasm resources, and create a batch of top talents and teams of hot crop breeding.

Support the research of hot crop breeding theory and method and key technologies such as molecular breeding, inspection and quarantine, resistance identification, production and processing, information management, etc. Vigorously develop biological breeding technology and improve the application of information and intelligent technology in seed industry. Build a breeding cooperation mechanism, carry out cross regional and cross unit regional trials and joint research on improved varieties such as litchi, banana, longan, rubber tree, cassava, and achieve major breakthrough in improved varieties as soon as possible. Perfect the information platform of hot crop germplasm resources that is connected with the big data platform of agricultural seed industry, and improve the innovative utilization of resources and information.

Highlight the dominant position of breeding enterprises, support advantageous hot seed industry enterprises to establish independent research and development institutions, build a scientific and technological innovation system of hot seed industry with breeding leading enterprises as the main body, and support them to focus on the collection, protection, identification of germplasm resources of tropical and subtropical crops such as melons, vegetables, fruit trees, and improvement and innovation research of breeding materials. Integrate resources and concentrate efforts to cultivate leading enterprises in the hot seed industry with good breeding foundation, strong innovation ability and high market share, build core competitiveness of the seed industry, and support the development of a number of small and medium-sized breeding enterprises with high degree of specialization.