
On April 16, 2007, the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation was officially established in Beijing. Over the past decade, the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation has developed into a veritable "home of Taiwanese businessmen" by focusing on promoting cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation, promoting the overall situation of peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and focusing on the purpose of serving Taiwanese businessmen and cooperation and development. After 10 years of efforts, the All China Federation of Taiwan Enterprises has continuously promoted its own system building, gradually improved the service function of Taiwan businessmen, actively built a platform for cross-strait exchanges, and worked hard to maintain the overall situation of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, making important contributions to uniting Taiwan compatriots to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

Founded on April 16, 2007, the National Taiwan Compatriot Investment Enterprise Association (hereinafter referred to as the Taiwan Enterprise Confederation) is a joint non-profit social organization with the main body of Taiwan Compatriot Investment Enterprise Associations approved to be established in the mainland of the motherland. The purpose of the Association is to serve members and Taiwan funded enterprises, enhance the friendship among members and the contact between members and government departments, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, promote economic exchanges and cooperation across the Straits, and promote the peaceful development of cross Straits relations. The Association accepts the operational guidance, supervision and management of the competent business unit, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the registration and management organ of associations.
The main business scope of the Taiwan Enterprise Confederation is: organizing members to carry out fellowship and exchange activities; Communicate the contact between members and the government and relevant departments, reflect the opinions, suggestions and requirements of members and Taiwanese businessmen on production and operation, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members; To provide members with consulting services on relevant national laws, regulations, policies and economic information, promote the development of Taiwan funded enterprises, and promote cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation; Holding social public welfare activities; We will promote the peaceful development of cross Straits relations.
The council system is implemented in the association, which absorbs unit members and individual members, mainly unit members. Its highest authority is the General Assembly of Members, which is composed of all directors and specially invited directors. The General Council is the executive body of the General Assembly of Member Representatives, leading the daily work of the Association during the intersessional period, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Member Representatives. The Standing Council is composed of the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President, Secretary General and Executive Directors. The Board of Supervisors shall be established by the Association, and the Chief Supervisor, Executive Deputy Chief Supervisor and Deputy Chief Supervisor shall be elected. The term of office of the President, Chief Supervisor, Executive Vice President, Executive Deputy Chief Supervisor, Vice President, Deputy Chief Supervisor and Secretary General of the Association is three years. The term of office of the president is generally not more than two terms. If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it must be approved by more than two-thirds of the directors present at the members' congress, reported to the competent business unit for review, and approved by the registration and management authority of the association before serving.
The Association has a secretariat and eleven functional committees (the Taiwan Businessmen Rights Protection Functional Committee, the Transformation and Upgrading Committee, the Financial Resources Development Committee, the Charity and Public Welfare Committee, the Investment and Trade Committee, the Charity Home Volunteer Special Committee, the Cross Strait Exchange Committee, the Financial Service Committee, the New Energy and New Technology Committee, the New Generation, New Youth Committee, and the Industry Committee) There are 275 members, including 139 association members, 59 enterprise members and 77 individual members. The Association employed 47 consultants, including 31 mainland consultants and 16 Taiwan consultants.


Development achievements

 Work hard to serve Taiwan businessmen

Work hard to serve Taiwan businessmen

Serving members and Taiwan funded enterprises, strengthening the friendship among members and the connection between members and government departments, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of members is one of the purposes of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, as well as a key task of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation. To this end, the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation has successively established the Taiwan Business Service Committee, the Transformation and Upgrading Committee, the Industry Committee and the "Belt and Road" Committee, aiming to carry out solid work from various aspects and effectively and comprehensively serve Taiwan businesses.

 Build a platform to promote communication

Build a platform to promote communication

In order to close the hearts and minds of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, and enhance the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the Straits, the All China Taiwan Enterprise Confederation has given full play to its role as a bridge and link, set up a cross Straits exchange committee, and actively built a cross Straits exchange platform to contribute to promoting cross Straits economic exchanges and cooperation and promoting the peaceful development of cross Straits relations.

 Inherit and sustainably cultivate youth

Inherit and sustainably cultivate youth

Taiwanese businessmen began to invest and start businesses on the mainland in the 1980s. Most entrepreneurs have achieved success through hard work, laid a solid foundation and accumulated rich experience. However, many Taiwanese enterprises are old, and many Taiwan funded enterprises face the problem of succession. In order to train the second generation successors of Taiwan businessmen and realize the inheritance and development of Taiwan funded enterprises, the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation established the New Generation · New Youth Functional Committee in 2011. Over the past six years, the Youth Commission has been committed to exchanges, learning and success

 Enthusiastic in public welfare and giving back to society

Enthusiastic in public welfare and giving back to society

Over the years, while developing their own undertakings and actively participating in the economic and social development of the mainland, the majority of Taiwanese businessmen have not forgotten to shine in public welfare undertakings, and have become one of the priorities of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation over the years. The great love and selflessness of Taiwan funded enterprises annotate the good image of Taiwan businessmen giving back to the society, and enhance the social influence of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation.

 Help Taiwan Association grow together

Help Taiwan Association grow together

The Taiwan funded Enterprise Association is a non-profit social organization legal person that is voluntarily initiated and established by Taiwan funded enterprises in mainland China, and approved and registered by the local social organization registration authority. The Taiwan Association is not only the foundation of the National Taiwan Enterprise Confederation, but also the main carrier for Taiwan businessmen to enhance friendship and seek common development.