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Jiangsu Kunshan Launches Cross Strait Youth "3+X" Alliance

13:05:00, August 11, 2023 Source: China News Network

China News Network, Kunshan, August 11 (Reporter Zhong Sheng) On August 10, the launching ceremony of the "3+X" Alliance of Youth across the Straits in Kunshan Development Zone and Zhangpu Town, Kunshan, Jiangsu was held. The alliance will focus on three groups of innovation and entrepreneurship youth in Kunming and Taiwan, college students in Kunming and Taiwan, and three generations of Taiwanese businessmen, and focus on cross Strait culture, rural revitalization, industrial development and other fields to achieve information sharing, resource exchange, and jointly expand the track of youth development in Kunming and Taiwan.

Kunshan is one of the regions with the most active Taiwanese investment in the mainland, the most intensive Taiwan funded enterprises, and the most frequent economic, trade and cultural exchanges between the two sides. Nearly 100000 Taiwanese businessmen and compatriots live in Kunshan. For a long time, Kunshan has been committed to building a platform for cross Strait youth to share information, exchange resources and learn from each other.

According to statistics, since 2016, Kunshan has attracted more than 900 Taiwanese college students to participate in in-depth internship activities, taking the lead in creating new grass-roots internship positions in the province, such as judicial, environmental protection, community service, and so on, and providing more opportunities and creating better conditions for Taiwanese youth to come to Kunshan for internship, employment, and entrepreneurship.

During the activity, Wu Xingting, who participated in the Jiangsu Internship and Employment Special Training Camp for Taiwanese College Students, recalled a warm and beneficial internship trip in Kunshan this summer across the Taiwan Straits, hoping that more island partners would "come to the mainland to have a look". Huang Zhuyu, an outstanding young actor of Kunshan Contemporary Kunqu Opera Theater, led Taiwanese college students to trace the cultural charm of Kunqu Opera, the "teacher of all operas", which has been popular for hundreds of years. Youth on both sides of the Strait also learned about the road of rural revitalization and sustainable development on the mainland, and visited the park's green incubation base in Kunshan German Industrial Park.

As a region with closer exchanges between Taiwanese and Taiwanese youth activities, Kunshan Development Zone has taken the integration and development of youth in Kunshan and Taiwan as its direction in recent years, deeply promoted youth exchanges in Kunshan and Taiwan, focused on work, life and other fields, organized and carried out the theme group building of "a cup of coffee" youth micro gathering in Kunshan and Taiwan, "cross-strait youth gathering in Kunshan to lead the future in digital economy" The characteristic activities of Kuntai Youth District, such as research and learning exchanges, have created vivid "cross-strait stories" by the innovative and entrepreneurial Taiwanese youth here.

This activity is also a continuation of the "one zone and four towns" research action of Kunshan Taiwan youth integrated development in Kunshan Development Zone, which aims to enrich the city and promote the growth, integration and exchange of youth across the Taiwan Straits. In recent years, in combination with activities such as the "Community Youth Action" of Kunshan Youth League Municipal Committee and the summer social practice of college students, Kunshan Development Zone, relying on the national youth employment and entrepreneurship base across the Taiwan Strait, has continuously optimized talent introduction measures. Zhangpu Town has held four consecutive "Returning Wild Goose Plan", actively contacted young people, provided internships and practical posts, and constantly attracted college graduates to return to Kunming for employment and entrepreneurship, take root at the grassroots level, and realize their dreams of youth. (End)

[Editor in charge: Yang Yongqing]

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