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Jiangsu Kunshan Development Zone: Play a good service "combination fist" to help Taiwan enterprises develop strongly

15:48:00, July 22, 2021 Source:

Kunshan Development Zone (photo source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Kunshan Development Zone)

On July 22,, since 2021, Kunshan Development Zone in Jiangsu Province has deepened the connotation of the service brand of "feeling for Taiwanese businessmen to increase ETC", and has played a good "combination fist" in serving Taiwanese enterprises by carrying out wall chart campaigns, holding a series of salons, and boosting industry university research cooperation, so as to boost the stock, growth, transformation, and development of Taiwan funded enterprises, It provides strong support for Taiwan enterprises to become bigger and stronger.

   "Flipchart battle" runs out of the counter to serve "acceleration"

Recently, Jiangsu Longdeng Chemical Co., Ltd., a Taiwan funded enterprise under the jurisdiction of Kunshan Development Zone, increased its capital for research and development and production of new projects by means of profit reinvestment. It is estimated that the amount of capital increase will be five times of the existing registered capital. This is also the first time Longdeng Chemical has increased its capital and expanded its production since it settled in Kunshan Development Zone in 1995. When talking about this capital increase, the relevant person in charge of Longdeng Chemical said: "The Taiwan Affairs Office of the Development Zone serves Taiwan enterprises by means of 'wall chart battle', providing point-to-point accurate services for enterprises, so that we are confident of taking root in Kunshan's development."

In order to further boost the steady growth and strong development of Taiwan in the zone, the Taiwan Service Office of Kunshan Development Zone innovatively launched the "wall chart combat" service mode. The service model is divided into seven sections A, B, C, D, E, F and G according to the planning map of the zone, and the list of Taiwan enterprises is listed one by one for each section. According to the responsibilities of the seven major sectors, each sector corresponds to a liaison person, and in-depth visits to enterprises are carried out to listen to the voice of Taiwan enterprises. Implement dynamic management of enterprise related data and establish "Taiwan Enterprise Archives". Provide one-on-one personalized services for the problems reflected by enterprises, timely help coordinate and solve relevant problems, and timely adjust relevant contents of the battle map. The Taiwan Affairs Office of Kunshan Development Zone takes the "wall chart battle" as the starting point, refines the division of responsibilities, forms a mechanism in which the main leaders personally grasp, the leaders in charge specifically grasp, and the staff directly grasp, and creates a strong atmosphere of "everyone participates, everyone has a responsibility" for door-to-door service to Taiwan enterprises in the whole office. In May 2021, the Taiwan Service Office spent one month visiting 105 Taiwan enterprises in the area under its jurisdiction, and ran out of the "acceleration" of Taiwan service.

   "Special Salon" Helps Policy Interpretation "Zero Distance"

In order to further improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the service desk enterprises and speed up the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the development of Taiwan funded enterprises, Kunshan Development Zone closely focuses on the latest trend of economic development to carry out special policy counseling salon activities. In the first half of 2021, the Taiwan Service Office of Kunshan Development Zone, together with the Science and Technology Bureau of Kunshan District, undertook a Taiwan enterprise science and technology salon activity with the theme of high-tech enterprise declaration. Experts were invited to answer questions on the spot about the conditions for high-tech enterprise declaration, preferential subsidy policies, tax payment, transformation of scientific and technological achievements of R&D projects and other issues that enterprises most care about and want to know. "High tech enterprises' declaration can help enterprises enhance their R&D and innovation drive, and it is the first step for enterprises to transform into a digital economy," said Peng Qiwei, president of the C1 branch of the Taiwan Association for Development Zones and general manager of Shanghai Rhenium Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd, "The development zone has always encouraged enterprises to explore the field of digital industry. This salon activity is a rare learning opportunity for Taiwan enterprises in urgent need of transformation and upgrading."

In addition to inviting experts and scholars to answer questions for enterprises face to face, Kunshan Development Zone organized a special policy counseling salon, and invited representatives of Taiwan enterprises as keynote guests to share their own practical experience of successful development. The policy counseling salon with the theme of "Kunshan intelligent transformation and digital transformation" held in 2021 invited Taiwan funded enterprise Xingbao Plastics, which has been rooted in Kunshan's development for 25 years, to share special topics. Xingbao Plastics has accelerated the transformation of science and innovation from the traditional Renbao computer supporting enterprise through machine replacement, automation transformation and other ways. No new land is added, saving 40% of manpower, increasing 50% of turnover and 100% of profit in 10 years, providing rich experience for other enterprises in transformation practice. "There are both theoretical guidance and vivid cases. Such salons organized by the development zone can help us to interpret policies in a 'zero distance' way, which is of great help to enterprises," said the entrepreneurs who participated in the salon.

   "Guiding funds" open up the first and last "one kilometer"

In 2021, Liufeng Machinery, a Taiwan funded enterprise in Kunshan Development Zone, will achieve in-depth cooperation with Central South University in production, education and research, and successfully complete the lightweight, intensive, modular and differentiated research and development of passenger car chassis parts. When the new project is put into production, it is expected to increase sales revenue by 200 million yuan. This cooperation benefited from the subsidy and matchmaking of the project of "guiding funds for cross Strait enterprises to tackle key scientific and technological problems" in the development zone.

In recent years, facing the complex and changing economic situation and the increasingly competitive market, many enterprises have decided to win with "new" direction and accelerate independent technology research and development, but are constrained by the lack of research and development funds and cooperation resources. In view of this, Kunshan Development Zone has launched the project of "guiding funds for cross-strait enterprises to tackle key scientific and technological problems" with a total amount of 100 million yuan, focusing on leading industries to support enterprises to introduce innovative resources, accelerate the tackling of key technical problems, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of Kunshan Development Zone's industries and the transformation of old and new drivers. In view of the major technical needs of enterprises, the diversification of Kunshan Development Zone helps enterprises to explore potential technical solutions and help the demand docking "the first kilometer". At the same time, we will adopt the form of "pre subsidy" to follow up the implementation of the contract in a timely manner, allocate subsidy funds at the same time, and get through the "last mile" of achievement transformation. Liufeng Machinery is one of the many enterprises in the development zone that have benefited from the project of "guiding funds for enterprises across the Taiwan Straits to tackle key problems in science and technology". (Jointly reported by and the Taiwan Service Office of Kunshan Development Zone)


[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]

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