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The media from both sides of Kunshan visited the Youth Pioneer Park

15:10:00, June 16, 2021 Source:

Media from both sides of the Taiwan Straits visited the Youth Pioneer Park (photo source: Suzhou Taiwan Affairs Office)

On June 16, reported that "I came to the mainland to earn a bucket of gold to return to Taiwan, but after 19 years, I fell in love with Kunshan and was reluctant to leave." In the face of the cross-strait media delegation that "met a beautiful Jiangsu, the peak of searching for stars and purple gold", Cai Hanxin, general manager of Taiwan Enterprise Guanglianfa, said with emotion.

Recently, media people from both sides of the Taiwan Straits who participated in the 2021 "Meet the Beautiful Jiangsu · Star Seeking Purple Gold Summit" came to Kunshan Youth Pioneer Park on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to learn about the latest situation of Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan youth's investment and entrepreneurship in Kunshan and the settlement of Taiwan compatriots.

Cai Hanxin, General Manager of Guanglianfa, told the media on both sides of the Taiwan Straits about his entrepreneurial story of "narrowly surviving death". In 2002, Cai Hanxin followed a glass factory in Taiwan to the mainland and served in Zhejiang for about ten years, He and his entrepreneurial team moved into the park and kept developing and manufacturing in the field of communication. With the support of the local government, we won the titles of "Kunshan Pioneer of Entrepreneurship" and "High tech Enterprise".

Cai Hanxin encouraged young people in the island who want to go west to realize their entrepreneurial dreams to come out bravely

It is understood that with the development concept of "one park with multiple points, gathering and scattering", the Youth Pioneer Park has also set up a micro base "Yushan Posthouse" for youth entrepreneurship parks on both sides of Kunshan, further promoting the integration of Kunshan and Taiwan, and attracting more Taiwanese youth to come to Kunshan to pursue their dreams.

As an important service platform for economic, cultural, technological and people to people exchanges and cooperation across the Taiwan Straits, the park is also Kunshan's first demonstration base for the transformation and upgrading of old factory buildings. It has successfully incubated entrepreneurial enterprises in many fields across the Taiwan Straits, among which, Guanglianfa Communication Services Co., Ltd. has made a breakthrough in smart security systems. (Jointly reported by and Suzhou Taiwan Affairs Office)

[Editor in charge: Guo Bijuan]

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