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What are the issuing objects and required materials of the work visa (Visa Z)?
  • Release time: 08:52, January 1, 2018  

(1) Issued to

Personnel working in China

(2) Materials required

1. Passport: original passport valid for more than 6 months with blank visa page and 1 copy of passport photo data page.

2. Visa application form and photos: one copy of the People's Republic of China Visa Application Form and one recent front bareheaded color passport photo with light background pasted on the application form.

3. Certificate of legal stay or residence (applicable to those who apply for a visa not in the country of nationality): If you apply for a visa not in the country of nationality, you need to provide the valid certificate of legal stay, residence, work and study in the country of residence or the original and copy of the valid visa.

4. Original Chinese passport or original Chinese visa (applicable to those who have Chinese nationality before becoming a foreign nationality): If you are applying for a Chinese visa for the first time, you must provide the original Chinese passport and a copy of the passport photo information page; If you have obtained a Chinese visa and applied for a visa with a newly issued foreign passport, you must provide the photo data page of the original foreign passport and a copy of the Chinese visa you have obtained (if the name recorded in the new passport is different from the original passport, you must also provide the official certification document for changing the name).

5. One of the following materials

(1) Employment Permit for Foreigners issued by the Human Resources and Social Security Department; If the working period does not exceed 90 days, the applicant shall also provide the Certificate of Foreigner's Short term Work in China, and the applicant must apply for a visa before the starting date indicated on the Certificate of Foreigner's Short term Work in China, and the working period shall not exceed the period indicated on the Certificate of Foreigner's Short term Work in China;

(2) Work Permit for Foreign Experts in China or Notice on Work Permit for Foreigners issued by the Foreign Experts Bureau;

(3) Registration Certificate of Permanent Representative Office of Foreign (Regional) Enterprises issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce;

(4) Approval documents issued by the cultural administrative department for commercial artistic performances (only applicable to applicants who come to China for commercial performances); If the duration of the performance does not exceed 90 days, the Foreigner's Certificate of Short term Work in China shall also be provided, and the applicant must apply for a visa before the starting date indicated on the Foreigner's Certificate of Short term Work in China, and the duration of the performance cannot exceed the period indicated on the Foreigner's Certificate of Short term Work in China;

(5) Letter of Invitation for Foreigners to Engage in Offshore Oil Operations in the People's Republic of China issued by CNOOC;

[Please note] After entering China, the holder must apply for a residence certificate to the exit and entry administration of the public security organ of the local people's government at or above the county level in the proposed place of residence within 30 days, except for those whose stay period is 30 days and the visa is marked with "working hours shall not exceed the period specified in the work certificate".

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