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Once again remind Chinese citizens not to travel to Syria in the near future
  • Release time: 17:03, April 13, 2018 Source: Embassy in Syria  

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Syria have issued a security reminder to suspend travel to Syria in November 2017, which is valid until June 30, 2018. At the same time, it is emphasized that if Chinese citizens still insist on going after the announcement of the warning, they may face extremely high security risks and will seriously affect the effectiveness of their assistance, and the expenses incurred from obtaining assistance shall be borne by individuals.

Recently, a suspected chemical weapons attack occurred in Donghuta, Damascus, Syria, and the United States and other countries threatened to carry out military strikes against Syria. In addition, terrorist attacks, kidnappings, extortions, armed robberies and other incidents often occur in the Syrian government controlled areas. The security situation in Syria is still complex and dangerous.

In view of the current situation in Syria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Syria once again remind Chinese citizens not to travel to Syria in the near future. Chinese citizens and institutions still in the local area are requested to closely follow up relevant information about changes in the local security situation, strengthen security precautions and emergency preparedness, and stay away from military facilities and crowded places.

Local police calls in Syria: 112 (crime alarm), 110 (first aid);

The phone number of the Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Call Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is+86-10-12308 or+86-10-59913991.

Consular protection and assistance of the Chinese Embassy in Syria:+963-944265018;

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