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Wu Xi, Director General of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had a discussion with representatives of foreign consulates in Shanghai
  • Release time: 14:50, May 30, 2023  

On May 30, 2023, Wu Xi, Director General of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, held an exchange and discussion with 25 consulates general in Shanghai.
Director General Wu Xi spoke positively of the bridge role played by consulates general in Shanghai to promote local exchanges and cooperation between relevant countries and China. She said that China will unswervingly promote high-level opening up, comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization, and provide more cooperation opportunities for countries around the world. Wu highlighted the recent measures to facilitate the exchange of Chinese and foreign personnel, maintain the overseas security of Chinese citizens, improve the level of consular services and develop consular cooperation between China and foreign countries.
The head of the delegation and the Consul General of Fiji in Shanghai made a speech, saying that the consulates general in Shanghai would further promote friendly exchanges between sending countries and China, continue to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and share opportunities for Chinese style modernization.
Director General Wu Xi also answered the consular questions of the consuls general present.

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