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Grenada, the spice country of the Caribbean - the "go as you go" tour (42)
  • Release time: 15:40, October 16, 2015  

   Entering Grenada: Grenada is located at the southernmost end of the Windward Islands in the East Caribbean Sea, about 160 kilometers south of the Venezuelan coast, covering an area of 344 square kilometers. The volcanic island Grenada is the main island of Grenada. Grenada is known as the "spice country of the Caribbean". Nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and vanilla emit fragrant smell with the breeze, attracting many tourists. Grenada not only has beautiful beaches and pure water, but also the tropical scenery on the island provides tourists with a lot of fun. The interior here is lush and mountainous. All kinds of nature lovers, hiking enthusiasts, mountain bikers, bird watchers and waterfall enthusiasts like to explore this land.

   Visa entry:

According to the visa exemption agreement between China and Georgia, Chinese citizens with valid diplomatic, official, official ordinary and ordinary passports can stay in Grenada without visa for no more than 30 days. If you want to stay in Grenada for more than 30 days, or engage in study, work, news reporting or activities that require prior approval from the competent authorities of Grenada, you should obtain a visa before entering the country.

   As the relevant visa regulations of various countries are in dynamic change, please be sure to ask the embassy or consulate of the destination country in China for the latest information before traveling.

Customs epidemic prevention:

Inbound passengers can carry 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of wine, 10 liquid ounces of perfume and self use goods worth less than EC $300 (US $112) duty-free. Exit and entry passengers are not allowed to carry narcotics, guns, ammunition, plants, fruits and vegetables.

   Special tip: The airport customs will carefully check the baggage of passengers. The cash carried by entry-exit passengers shall not exceed 10000 dollars. The liquid carried by outbound passengers by air shall not exceed 100ml. Georgia implements a high tariff policy, and the customs clearance procedures for goods can be entrusted to local agents.

(Picture from the network)


public security:

The political situation is stable and the public security is good. After the continuous hurricanes in 2004 and 2005 in Georgia, especially in recent years, affected by the international financial crisis, the unemployment rate has risen and the crime rate has increased, mainly including theft and robbery.

   Special tip: to prevent accidents, try not to go out alone at night. If you have to go out, you should avoid the quiet or dark areas and choose the road with more people and more lights.

natural disaster:

Located in the Windward Islands, Georgia has been hit by hurricanes for many times, causing serious losses to the national economy and threatening people's lives and property.

   Special note: Georgia's radio, television and newspapers attach great importance to weather forecast. The TV has a special channel to broadcast the weather conditions of the country and the Caribbean 24 hours a day.

Food Hygiene:

The food hygiene is good. Food and daily necessities can be bought in supermarkets, but the price is expensive. The water source is sufficient, but the water quality is hard, and the incidence of local lithiasis is high. According to statistics, patients with kidney stones account for about 75% of the national population.

Special tip: Try to buy food from large supermarkets, not from small stalls.

   Land transportation

1、 Highway: The total length of Georgia Highway is about 1127 km. There is a roundabout road and several main roads running through the island. The mountain roads are narrow and rugged. There is no railway in Georgia.

2、 Transportation: right-hand drive and left-hand drive. With the rapid growth of vehicle ownership, urban road congestion is becoming increasingly serious during rush hour.

3、 Car rental and self driving: You can apply for a qualified driver's license at the local traffic control department with your passport and valid domestic driver's license. The fee is EC $30, and the validity period is 3 months. You can get it on the same day. Many car rental companies in Georgia provide self driving taxis.

   Special tip: If the driver and front passenger are found not wearing seat belts when driving, they will be fined EC $1000-2000.

Waterway transportation:

Georgia has convenient water transportation. On average, about 360 cruise ships call at the port of St. George, the capital of Georgia every year. There are ferries between Georgia Island and Karyaku, Little Martinique Island. The fare is EC $160 for adults and EC $100 for children under 12 years old (including 12 years old).

   Product price:

1、 Main products: nutmeg and other spices, grouper, tuna, lobster and other seafood, rum, cocoa and various fresh fruits and vegetables.

2、 Price: Most materials in Georgia are imported, so the price is very high, which is 5-10 times the price in China.

3、 Currency and exchange rate: The legal tender is the Eastern Caribbean dollar. The US dollar can be converted into Eastern Caribbean dollar at all banks. The cash ratio is 1 (USD): 2.67 (EC), and the traveler's check ratio is 1:2.68. The dollar can be used in general, but the store provides a price comparison of 1:2.60. Euros and sterling can also be exchanged in various banks, and the exchange rate fluctuates with the US dollar.

4、 Payment method: Eastern Caribbean dollar, US dollar cash or cheque can be paid. Various credit cards and debit cards are also widely used.

   Medical insurance:

Common diseases and treatment: Located in the tropics, there are dengue fever, yellow fever, influenza and other diseases, no widespread epidemic of infectious diseases, no bird flu. It is a country with high incidence of AIDS.

Main hospitals and pharmacies: Georgia has four state-owned hospitals, namely St. George's General Hospital, St. Andrew's Princess Alice Hospital, Royal Princess Caliacu Hospital and St. George's Psychiatric Hospital; There are six health centers and 30 regional medical stations; In addition, there are various private clinics and pharmacies.

   Special note: A few foreigners may have allergies due to environmental discomfort.

Customs and taboos:

1、 Holidays: The main holidays are New Year's Day, Independence Day, Easter, Labor Day, Carnival, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

2、 Culture, diet and other customs: The local dances are unique and diverse, and the most representative ones are the big drum dance and the four side dance. The Grand Drum Dance is a Geguo dance, which is passionate and cheerful, and has a strong color of African tribal culture.

Georgia's diet is mainly based on the European and American system, but local specialty spices such as nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger and pepper are often used in dishes. There is a soup made from the leaves of "Callaloo" (a plant), which can be called "national soup". Ethnic cuisine "Oildown" is a regular food for local family gatherings and important activities. Combined with Andalusian and Arab cooking methods, plus the advantage of the sea, there are many fresh seafood to eat in bulk, as well as cheap and delicious North African cuisine and Arab tea houses. Grenada's meals are mainly shellfish, crab, lobster and turtle meat. The fruits include Wanshou fruit, guava, avocado and mango, among which avocado rice is its special food, and curry conch meat, shrimp broth, salted cod breadfruit and curry mutton are also the daily meals of local people. The wine is mainly rum mixed wine decorated with local cardamom, and lime rum with ice. Other wines and beer are relatively cheap. Gin and coconut milk are the main drinks of the local people.

   Special tip: The local government stipulates that anyone except soldiers and police is prohibited to wear camouflage clothes. On holidays and nights, shops and banks are almost closed.

Communication power supply:

1、 Supply voltage

Power interface type: British 220 V and American 110 V three hole socket. Standard voltage: 220 V and 110 V are used at the same time.

   Special note: It is better to carry the power conversion plug with you.

2、 Communication network

International and domestic communication is convenient. The country code of Georgia is 1473. For domestic calls, the area code is not required, but the phone number can be dialed directly; For international calls, you need to dial 011+relevant country code+phone number. International long distance calls are expensive.

3、 Internet

There are two large telecom companies in Georgia that provide Internet services with moderate data transmission speed and do not charge for data traffic. Most hotel rooms can be connected to the Internet.

Special note: domestic mobile phones can be used after replacing the SIM card of the local communication company.

   Arrival strategy:

With convenient air transportation, Georgia has direct flights to New York, Miami, Toronto and London every week, and several direct flights to neighboring Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago every day. The airport is about 10 kilometers from the city center. Most hotels in Georgia provide airport transfer service. In addition, you can also take a taxi or bus to and from the airport.

   The above visa instructions, customs epidemic prevention, exchange rate and other information are extracted from the network, or subject to change and adjustment, for reference only. For the latest information, please refer to the authorities of the country you are visiting or its embassies and consulates in China.

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