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Dominic Caribbean's Wonderful Journey - "Just Go" Journey (XXXVII)
  • Release time: 14:45, September 18, 2015  

   Walk into Dominica

It is located in the northeast of the Windward Islands in the East Caribbean Sea. It faces the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Caribbean Sea to the west, Martinique Island to the south across the Martinique Strait, and Guadeloupe to the north across the Dominique Strait. The island is mountainous, with an average annual temperature of 25 to 32 ℃, and a tropical marine climate.

Dominica is an island country with blue sea and sky, undulating mountains and beautiful scenery. The island is lush all the year round, with exotic flowers and plants, and tropical plants. The beautiful tropical rainforest, the refreshing coral viewing area, the famous boiling lake, the only active lake in the world, the volcanic eruption site with hot fog curling, the sulfur spring that makes people forget to return, and the natural oxygen bar endowed by nature make Dominica one of the Caribbean tourist attractions.

   Visa entry

According to the agreement between China and Togo on mutual visa exemption for personnel holding diplomatic and official passports, Chinese citizens with diplomatic and official passports can stay in Dominica for no more than 30 days without visa.

Those who hold valid passports, return air tickets, hotel reservations or materials proving their financial ability to pay for travel for travel purposes can enter the country without a visa, and the duration of stay shall not exceed 21 days.

   As the relevant visa regulations of various countries are in dynamic change, please visit the website of the embassy or consulate of the destination country in China to get the latest information before traveling.

   Customs epidemic prevention:

Dominica Customs implements international practices, and the entry passengers are released after inspection. Visitors are not allowed to carry weapons, religious propaganda materials, drugs and other prohibited items, as well as meat products, fruit and agricultural products. Those who carry more than EC $10000 (about US $3704) in cash need to declare. There are also strict restrictions on the quantity of cigarettes and alcohol that can be brought into the country (no more than 200 cigarettes and no more than 2 liters of alcohol).

(Picture from the network)


public security:

1、 Affected by the international financial crisis, Dominica's domestic unemployment rate has risen, and the incidence of malignant cases has increased. However, overall, the political situation is stable, and Dominica is a country with a relatively low crime rate in the Caribbean. Common criminal cases include theft, robbery, drug and small arms smuggling.

2、 Chinese citizens should try to avoid carrying too much cash when traveling, and take good care of their money and valuables. Try to avoid unnecessary going out at night.

   natural disaster:

Dominica has many tropical storms, with occasional hurricanes; There are many volcanic craters, some of which are still in active period; Minor earthquakes occur occasionally; The rainy season is from June to December, with frequent landslides.

When Chinese citizens travel more, they should pay close attention to the weather conditions and reasonably choose travel dates and routes. In rainy season, special precautions shall be taken against dangerous situations such as landslides. When participating in outdoor projects such as hiking and rafting, you should pay attention to self-protection, and it is better to hire local people as guides. You should carry basic field equipment when traveling. There is no mobile phone signal in many central mountainous areas. If necessary, carry a satellite phone to prevent accidents.

   Food Hygiene:

Most people in Dominica follow the Western lifestyle. Food hygiene is good, and large-scale food poisoning incidents rarely occur.

   Land transportation:

Most of the roads in Dominica are mountain roads with steep slopes, narrow roads, many bends, poor road conditions, few road signs, and more traffic accidents. Drive right and left in the multi driving vehicle. There are a few taxis in the local area. The rent is usually charged on a daily basis, plus the insurance premium. The fuel cost is borne by yourself. Foreign drivers can take their national or international driver's licenses to the local transportation department to renew their temporary driver's licenses.

   Product price:

East Canadian dollar is the local currency, which can be freely exchanged with US dollars, euros, etc. One US dollar can be exchanged for EC $2.67 (fixed exchange rate). Since March 1, 2006, many governments have levied 15% VAT on goods and services.

Many banks and financial industries are relatively developed, and large supermarkets accept credit cards and checks for payment. Generally, small shops only accept cash.

   Medical insurance:

Dominica has a low level of medical care, with only two hospitals in the capital, Roseau, and the second largest city, Portsmouth. Hospital equipment is backward, medical staff is short, service items are limited, and drugs are imported from the United States, France and other countries.

Drugs provided by public hospitals are usually free of charge, and drugs not available in hospitals need to be purchased at pharmacies; Visit a private clinic at your own expense. Local herbs are also used by the people. There are more foreigners than foreigners, and they enjoy the same treatment as native people when they see a doctor, without strict medical insurance requirements.

At the request of the Dominican government, the Chinese government dispatched several medical experts to work in Princess Margaret Hospital to assist the local medical and health work.

There are many mosquitoes in Dominica during the rainy season. Dengue fever broke out on a small scale in 2013. Tourists can bring some anti mosquito medicines such as refreshing oil and essential balm.

   Customs and taboos:

1、 About 77% of Dominica's residents believe in Roman Catholicism, 15% believe in Christianity, and the rest believe in other religions or have no religious beliefs.

2、 The variety of food is limited. There are fruits and a small amount of fish, pigs, sheep, cattle, chickens, etc. locally produced, and most of the rest are imported. The food is mainly Creole cooking style, and the local people also like to eat Chinese food and other western food.

3、 The main festivals are New Year, Carnival, Good Friday, Easter, Labor Day, Independence Day, Community Service Day, Africa Liberation Day, Christmas, Fishermen's Day, Reunion Day, Heritage Day, Creole Day, etc.

4、 Special note: According to many laws, the hunting period is from October to December every year, and hunters can hunt within the allowable range by applying for a hunting license. Exceeding the specified time limit, scope and hunting method (such as electric fish, poisonous fish, etc.) is considered illegal.

   Communication power supply:

The Internet is more developed. Local hotels such as Fort Young and Garraway have high-speed Internet access, and the lobby and restaurant have wireless network coverage.

There are two mobile phone service providers, Digicel and Lime, which are charged monthly and recharged. There is no charge for long-distance calls and roaming calls within CARICOM. Chinese mobile phone users who have opened international roaming services can also use them locally.

British power socket (three pin flat type) is mostly used, and the standard voltage is 220V. It is recommended that tourists provide their own conversion plugs. Due to the power shortage, power failure often occurs, and the hotel is usually equipped with a generator.

  Arrival strategy:

There is no direct route between China and many other countries. The main non direct routes are Beijing New York Barbados (or Puerto Rico) Dominica; Beijing - Paris (or Amsterdam) - Saint Martin (or Anbar) - Dominica.

Dominica has two airports, Douglas Charles and Canefield.

It takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to drive along the mountain road from the capital Roseau to Douglas Charles Airport.

   The above visa instructions, customs epidemic prevention, exchange rate and other information are extracted from the network, or subject to change and adjustment, for reference only. For the latest information, please refer to the authorities of the country you are visiting or its embassies and consulates in China.

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