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Mauritania, the vast dreamlike desert - the "go as you go" journey (XXXIII)
  • Release time: 15:56, August 7, 2015  

   [Into Mauritania] Mauritania is located in the northwest of Africa, in the hinterland of the vast Sahara Desert. The whole territory is flat, and two-thirds of the area is desert. Several ancient cities, such as Shingaiti and Wadan, have been listed as World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The spectacular desert terrain structure "Eye of the Sahara" (also known as "Richter Structure") in Maota is one of the most famous geological wonders in the world, with a diameter of 48 kilometers and an altitude of about 400 meters. How such a strange structure was formed is still a mystery.

Visa Notice:

Entry personnel can apply for landing visas at Mauritania Nouakchott International Airport and Nouadhibo PK55 Land Port with valid passports and invitation letters, or they can apply for visas in advance at the Embassy of Mauritania in China.

Procedures and requirements for entry and exit inspection: hold a valid passport, visa, fill in the entry and exit card, show the International Vaccination Certificate, pass the scanning inspection of baggage, declare the amount of foreign exchange carried to the customs, and carry out other necessary inspections.

As the relevant visa regulations of various countries are in dynamic change, please be sure to ask the embassy or consulate of the destination country in China for the latest information before traveling.

Customs epidemic prevention:

Articles that can be exempted from customs duties: I. Personal property: clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, hunting or fishing gear, cameras, portable radios and other similar personal articles that are worn and used by individuals, and are only for personal use.

2、 Alcoholic drinks: strictly prohibited.

3、 Tobacco products: passengers can bring in a carton of cigarettes (200 cigarettes) or 50 cigars duty-free.

4、 Tax free gifts: non residents can bring in gifts with a value of no more than 100 dollars duty-free.

5、 Articles purchased in duty-free stores: articles purchased in duty-free stores, aircraft or ships that exceed the quantity or amount limit of duty-free articles that individuals can carry will be taxed by the customs.

Taxable articles: articles beyond the above tax exemption scope will be taxed.

For prohibited or restricted articles, please refer to China Consular Service Network( http://cs.mfa.gov.cn/ )。

Entry quarantine:

When entering Mauritania, you must apply for the International Vaccination Certificate and be vaccinated. Several kinds of pre vaccination before leaving: 1. The following vaccines are recommended: yellow fever (effective for 10 years), meningitis (effective for 3 years), hepatitis B (effective for 5 years after the third injection). 2、 It is necessary to take anti malaria drugs.

(Picture from the network)


public security:

Maota people believe in Islam. They are gentle, hospitable, warm and friendly to China, and the city security situation is basically good. However, since 2014, Chinese people have come to Mauritius more and more, and social security incidents have occurred frequently. There have been many cases of theft and robbery against Chinese businessmen or shops in Nouakchott. Chinese citizens in Mauritania should strengthen their own security precautions, preferably live in a centralized manner, and take necessary security measures.

Precautions and suggestions:

1、 Comply with local laws and regulations.

2、 Abide by local religious customs and prohibit drinking and selling alcohol in public places.

3、 Do not carry a large amount of cash with you, avoid going to remote areas with few people, and pay attention to finding a credible local reception party.

natural disaster:

The northwest of Mauritania has a tropical desert climate, with high temperature and little rain. The annual average temperature is 30~35 ℃, and the annual rainfall is less than 100 mm. There are many "Hamadan" winds and tornadoes. The Senegal River basin in the south has a tropical grassland climate. The rainy season is from May to October, and the dry season is from November to next April. The annual average temperature is 30 ℃. The annual rainfall is 250~650mm. The weather is windy and sandy, and the salt erosion is severe. The local area is hot all the year round with few natural disasters. There are floods in the central and southern regions during the rainy season, and locust disasters occur irregularly throughout the country.

Food Hygiene:

The water quality of Maota has reached the international standard, but the food hygiene is poor and various infectious diseases are prevalent. Cooked food or packaged food should be eaten as much as possible, formal restaurants should be selected for dining out, and medicines for common diseases, mosquito bites and antimalarials should be taken with you.

Land transportation:

There is no passenger railway in Mauritania, and domestic transportation mainly depends on roads. There are passenger shuttle buses from the capital Nouakchott to Nouadibu and some cities. Foreign vehicles can drive into Mauritania by themselves after going through formalities at the border. The People's Republic of China driver's license can be used in Mauritania, and you must take it with you when you drive. The traffic rules are basically the same as those in China, driving on the right side. Car rental in the local area is mainly through car rental companies. AVIS and HERTZ car rental companies have partners in the local area, and the daily (08:00-20:00 is a day, otherwise calculated) rental of passenger cars is 50-70 dollars, jeep is 150-200 dollars, and the fuel is provided by themselves.

Product price:

Maota has rich mineral resources, but few products. There are only some fish products along the coast, and there are few kinds of vegetables and fruits. Most production and living materials depend on imports. Prices are high.

Travelers' cheques cannot be used locally. Except for two former French restaurants in the capital, international credit cards cannot be used. There is no bank card or ATM service in the local area. Currency exchange mainly accepts US dollars, euros and West African francs.

Medical insurance:

The medical and health conditions in the capital Nouakchott are relatively good, while the medical and health conditions in other regions are poor and lack of medicine. The common frequently occurring diseases mainly include tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, enteritis, acute respiratory diseases, schistosomiasis, AIDS, etc. The main preventive measures are to pay attention to food hygiene and personal cleanliness, inject vaccines and carry necessary drugs. Hospitals and clinics mainly include:


Address: BP612 - NOUAKCHOTT, Tel: 0022245252135.


Address: BP695 - NOUAKCHOTT, Tel: 0022245253134.

Centre Hospitalier National

Tel: 45252135.

Communication power supply:

There are two mobile phone operators in Mauritania. The systems of China Unicom and China Telecom can be compatible with these two operating systems. However, it is often impossible to receive messages sent from China normally.

The voltage of Motta is 220 V, and the power plug is a French standard plug with 2 round pins.

Customs and taboos:

Maota is a conservative Muslim country. In Maota, Muslim customs must be observed and no loud noise is allowed. During Ramadan, people cannot eat or drink in public places during the day. When going to Maota, you should pay special attention to dress neatly, and women should pay attention not to wear short skirts and blouses as much as possible.

Maota people mainly rely on their hands to eat. Eating meat is torn by hand and eating is grasped by hand. Only in some official occasions do some people use western tableware.

Arrival strategy:

Nouakchott Airport and Nouadhibo Airport are the main airports in Mauritania, with regular international flights. Nouakchott Airport is about 5km away from the city center, and the main mode of transportation is taxi.

There is no direct flight between China and Mauritania. You need to transit through Paris, Istanbul and other places to reach Nouakchott.

The above visa instructions, customs epidemic prevention, exchange rate and other information are extracted from the network, or subject to change and adjustment, for reference only.

For the latest information, please refer to the authorities of the country you are visiting or its embassies and consulates in China.

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