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Tanzania · Eden in Africa - "Go as you please" trip (32)
  • Release time: 16:37, July 31, 2015  

[Into Tanzania] Tanzania is located at the eastern edge of the African continent, near the Indian Ocean. Influenced by the ocean moisture and monsoon, it is warm and humid in the daytime, cool and pleasant at night, and the temperature difference throughout the year is small, which is suitable for travel. There are rich natural landscapes, including Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, and Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa. In several world-class national parks represented by Serengeti National Park, Arusha National Park and Kilimanjaro National Park, many wild animals live freely on the endless grasslands. The Ngorongoro crater of the Great Rift Valley in northern East Africa is known as the "Eden of Africa". Although it is a dead fire crater that has been silent for more than 250000 years, its ecosystem is perfect and it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Visa Notice:

When Chinese citizens with ordinary passports valid for more than 6 months arrive at designated ports of entry, including Dar es Salaam Airport and Zanzibar Airport, they can apply for landing visas. Please refer to the website of Tanzania Immigration Bureau http://www.immigration.go.tz/module1.php?id=14

As the relevant visa regulations of various countries are in dynamic change, please be sure to ask the embassy or consulate of the destination country in China for the latest information before traveling.

Customs epidemic prevention:

If the total value of personal belongings of an entrant exceeds US $500, it is necessary to declare the belongings, quantity and price. After the declaration of video, photography, musical instruments and other equipment, the customs certificate shall be kept for future customs clearance certification. For other items that need to be declared, the purchase invoice or receipt must be kept so that the price of the items can be declared.

It is not necessary to declare the following articles that are not for sale when entering the country: alcoholic beverages within 1L, cigarettes within 200, cigars within 50, tobacco within 250g and perfume within 1L.

Articles prohibited from entry: drugs, white phosphorus matches, guns, subversive photos.

Control the articles brought into the country (with the permission of relevant government departments): animals (including animal eggs), fish, animal traps, weapons and ammunition, explosives.

The Tanzanian government stipulates an unlimited amount of foreign currency carried by foreigners entering and leaving the country, which can only be declared, but foreigners are prohibited from carrying local currency (Tanzania Shillings) into and out of the country.

Those who leave the country are strictly prohibited from carrying prohibited goods such as ivory and rhinoceros horn. Tanzania's customs check is strict, and if found out, they will be severely punished or even sentenced. If you want to take Tanzanian blue and other gemstones out of the country, you must show the regular printed invoice, the export license of Tanneng Mining Department and the certificate of gem source. If the relevant materials cannot be provided, the customs officials will confiscate the gemstones and impose a fine.

Entry quarantine:

Inbound passengers must carry the International Certificate of Vaccination or Preventive Measures (commonly known as the "Yellow Book") for future reference.

(Picture from the network)


public security:

Tanzania's political situation has been stable for a long time. In recent years, due to the inflow of small arms, the increase of refugees, the low employment rate and other factors, the public security situation is not good. In Tanzania, the property of foreigners is robbed from time to time, and there are vicious cases of armed robbery of financial institutions.

Precautions and suggestions:

Improve the awareness of preventing robbery and theft, and go out together. When going out, try not to take bags, avoid travelling at night, do not carry large amounts of cash, do not expose valuables, properly keep passports and other documents, and do not go to casinos.

natural disaster:

Some areas in Tanzania are occasionally hit by floods in rainy season.

The road condition is not good. There are no street lights in many roads at night. You should be careful when driving.

There are few well-equipped bathing beaches, and some places where tourists can swim in the sea often have dangerous situations due to large waves and other factors.

Food Hygiene:

The public health conditions in Tanzania are relatively backward, and cholera and other epidemics often occur. It is suggested that Chinese citizens in Tanzania should avoid drinking tap water directly or dining in public snacks in the market as far as possible, and can choose larger restaurants or Chinese restaurants. Supermarket food can also be purchased with confidence.

Land transportation:

The Chinese driver's license cannot be used directly in the local area. You need to apply for a local driver's license. Driving in Tanzania is right steering and left driving.

Tanzania has two major railway networks - Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) and Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA). Tanzanian Railway Company provides passenger and freight services for most areas in Tanzania. The railway network of Tanzanian Railway Administration is built with the assistance of China, extending more than 1800 kilometers from Dar es Salaam to the southwest to New Kapilimposh, and connecting with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Waterway transportation:

The main ports of Tanzania include Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Tanga, Mtwara, etc. There are fixed barge passenger routes between Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar every day.

Product price:

Tanzania is rich in sisal, cotton, cloves, cashews, coffee, tobacco, seafood and other primary products. In addition, it also contains oil, natural gas, copper, iron, nickel, gold, gemstones (Tanzania blue, diamonds) and other energy and mineral resources. The supply of local consumer goods is relatively scarce. Most of the goods are imported, and the price level is relatively high. 18% VAT is included in the price of many goods.

The local currency of Tanzania is Tanzanian Shilling. There are many foreign exchange shops in big cities that can exchange Tanzanian shillings. Daily payment is mainly in cash, and large transactions can be paid by bank transfer or cheque.

Medical insurance:

The medical conditions in Tanzania are poor. Except for some private hospitals, most areas are short of medicine. The medical conditions in Dar es Salaam are slightly better. The main hospitals are Muhimbili Hospital, Aga Khan Hospital, etc. The cost of hospital treatment is very high, especially for foreigners.

Communication power supply:

Tanzania's Internet business has developed rapidly, with a high Internet penetration rate in major cities. The cost is comparable to that of China, but the network operation is unstable. Mobile phone signals in major cities are good, and mobile phone signals are covering the whole country. You can use the Chinese mobile phone directly after changing the local SIM card in Tanzania.

The power interface type of Tanzania is British three hole socket, and the standard voltage is 230V.

Customs and taboos:

Tanzania has three major religions: Christianity, Islam and primitive fetishism. The mainland residents of Tanganyika mostly believe in primitive fetishism, while the urban residents mostly believe in Christianity. Most coastal residents believe in Islam, and more than 99% of the residents of Sangdao believe in Islam, so they should not wear overly exposed clothes.

The Tanzanian people are simple and have no special taboos. The funerals are determined by faith (mostly burial), and the government has no special regulations. The diet mainly consists of corn, rice and sweet potatoes. They often eat beef and mutton, drink tea and coffee, and eat less pork, animal viscera and odd shaped food such as squid and crabs.

Arrival strategy:

Tanzania has three international airports, Dar es Salaam International Airport, Kilimanjaro International Airport and Zanzibar International Airport. At present, there are several routes in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong airports that need to transfer midway before arriving at Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania.

Gulf Airlines also provides flights from Oman or Abu Dhabi to Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar. Visitors can also take the African airlines of Zimbabwe, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa to Tanzania.

The above visa instructions, customs epidemic prevention, exchange rate and other information are extracted from the network, or subject to change and adjustment, for reference only.

For the latest information, please refer to the authorities of the country you are visiting or its embassies and consulates in China.

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