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The hymn of life in the dawn of Kenya - the journey of "say go" (30)
  • Release time: 16:40, July 10, 2015  

[Into Kenya] Kenya covers an area of 5826460 square kilometers. It crosses the equator, borders Somalia in the east, Ethiopia and the Republic of South Sudan in the north, Uganda in the west, and Tanzania in the south. The southeast is bordered by the Indian Ocean. The coastline is 536 kilometers long. The coastal areas are plains, and most of the rest are plateaus with an average altitude of 1500 meters. Standing on the grassland, big cloud trees are full of red flowers playing the role of burning clouds; Groups of flamingos dance at the foot of Kilimanjaro Mountain, Maasai people move with their cattle, and their red cloaks spread like wings in the wind. Kenya gives every person who has ever been there a dream like memory. The magnificence is accompanied by the long distance and endless life.

   Visa Notice:

With various Chinese passports valid for more than 6 months, landing visas can be handled at designated ports. There are two types of landing visas: transit visa and ordinary visa. You can fill in the application form at the port without providing specific materials. There are 7 airports that can handle landing visa: Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Mombasa International Airport, Wilson Airport, Malindi Airport, Eldoret Airport, Kisumu Airport, Lokichoggio Airport; Sea ports (5): Mombasa Port, Malindi Port, Lamu Port, Shimoni Port, Kilindini Port; Land ports (15): Lokichoggio Mandera、Liboi、Kiunga、Vanga、Lunga、Taveta、Loitokitok、Namanga、Sand River Gate、Isebania、Busia、Malaba、Lwakhakha、Suam。 The duration of stay shall be determined by the immigration office at the port, which can be extended once for up to 3 months. The transfer visa fee is $20, and the ordinary visa fee is $50.

Visa free entry is not applicable.

As the relevant visa regulations of various countries are in dynamic change, please visit the website of the embassy or consulate of the destination country in China to get the latest information before traveling.

   Customs epidemic prevention:

In 1994, Kenya cancelled the foreign exchange control, and there was no limit on the amount of foreign currency brought into the country, but those who carried more than 500000 Kenya shillings out of the country need to obtain the written permission of the Central Bank of Kenya in advance. Those who bring photographic equipment into the country must declare at the time of customs clearance. Kenya attaches great importance to wildlife protection. It is prohibited to carry, trade and export original or products of wild animals such as rhinoceros horn, ivory, sea turtles, etc. Carrying contraband into and out of China will face severe penalties and huge fines. The list of goods restricted from import and export can be found on the website of the State Administration of Taxation of Kenya.

   Entry quarantine:

Before going to Kenya, please be sure to inject yellow fever vaccine at the health and epidemic prevention department, and take the International Vaccination Certificate (commonly known as the "Yellow Book") with you. According to the Plant Protection Law of Kenya, those who import plants, seeds and fruits (except canned fruits) need a plant health certificate issued by the Kenya Plant Health Inspection Bureau before customs clearance.


(Picture from the network)


   public security:

On September 21, 2013, a terrorist attack on the "Ximen" shopping center shocked the world. Since 2014, violent terrorist attacks and small-scale riots in Kenya have been frequent, and security risks are high.

   Precautions and suggestions:

1. Choose a reputable well-known hotel to stay in. It is better not to choose the bottom room, close the doors and windows at any time, and do not leave valuables in the room when traveling or dining. When returning to the room, if the door is found open or unlocked, do not enter the room, and immediately report to the hotel manager.

2. Do not carry a large amount of cash with you, nor expose a large amount of cash to public places, but keep a certain amount of change in your wallet. In addition to being convenient for use at any time, in case of robbery, it can be handed over as the case may be to avoid life threat.

3. Try not to take a minibus (locally known as "Matatu"). When driving, you should choose the main road and pay attention to the rear-view mirror. If you find a car following you, you should not accelerate. Instead, you should change the direction and drive to the police station. Pay attention to the door lock on the way, close the window, do not stop easily, even if someone knocks on the window, they will ignore it.

   natural disaster:

The main natural disasters in Kenya are drought and flood. When traveling in Kenya, you should pay attention to the disaster information released by the government and the media and take timely precautions.

   Food Hygiene:

The fluoride content of tap water in Kenya generally exceeds the standard, so it is recommended to drink bottled pure water or mineral water. It is recommended to have meals in formal restaurants or restaurants. It is difficult to guarantee the sanitary conditions of local small restaurants.

   Land transportation:

Highway traffic is the main mode of transportation in Kenya, and the road conditions vary greatly from place to place. Most long-distance buses are minibuses, with fixed fares and full passengers.

Kenya is a right-handed country, and the Chinese driver's license cannot be used locally. In Nairobi, Mombasa and some other large cities, car rental companies provide convenient and fast car rental services. The price is generally high, so you must negotiate with the dealer before renting the car. It is recommended to consult the local people or the hotel where you live for the accurate rate.

Taxis are only available in big cities. They don't use a meter and are expensive. Passengers need to negotiate the price before taking a taxi.

   Product price:

Bank cards with VISA and MASTER logos can be used in shopping centers, supermarkets and hotels, and foreign currency is generally not accepted in the market. The exchange rate between Kenya's local currency and foreign currency will follow the market.

   Medical insurance:

Kenya's medical and health conditions are in a leading position in East and Central Africa. Public hospitals are now at the national and county levels. The only two national hospitals are Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret. All counties in Kenya have public hospitals, as well as many private medical organizations and hospitals. The main epidemic diseases in Kenya are malaria, sleeping sickness, trypanosomiasis, echinococcosis, filariasis, tuberculosis, leprosy, polio, etc. Malaria is the biggest killer.

   Communication power supply:

Ken's standard voltage is 240 V, 50 Hz, and the socket is a British three-way plug. Local mobile phone calls can be made by directly dialing the mobile phone number, and calling the local landline 020+fixed line number. To make an international call from a local mobile phone: 000+country code+region code+phone number. Call local mobile phone from China: 00254+mobile phone number (remove the first 0 of mobile phone number).

It should be noted that the price of dialing out from the hotel is very expensive, and sometimes there are additional charges. It is recommended to confirm with the hotel in advance.

   Customs and taboos:

Except for coastal and eastern areas, most Kenyans believe in Christianity. In coastal and eastern areas, most residents are Muslims, who account for about 10% of the total population of Kenya. In addition, there are a small number of Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and natural religious believers in Kenya. Kenyans are very shy about talking about skin color, and should not offend the national flag and the President when speaking.

   Arrival strategy:

Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is one of the major aviation hubs in Africa, and has opened routes with major cities in Europe, the Asia Pacific region, the United States and Africa. At present, Kenya Airways has opened direct flights from Guangzhou to Nairobi. It can also transit through Dubai, Doha and Bangkok.

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