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Remind Chinese citizens not to travel to Peru in the near future
  • Release time: 17:59, December 29, 2022 Source: Embassy in Peru  

Recently, Peru's political turmoil has intensified, demonstrations have broken out in many places, and the security situation continues to be grim. The Peruvian government has declared a 30 day state of emergency.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy in Peru remind Chinese citizens not to travel to Peru in the near future, and Chinese citizens and institutions in Peru should try to stay in reliable and safe places. In case of emergency, please call the police in time and contact the Embassy in Peru for assistance.

In view of the above special circumstances, if Chinese citizens insist on going, it may cause the parties to face extremely high security risks, and will affect the effectiveness of obtaining assistance.

Peru emergency call:

Police: (+51) 105

Fire alarm: (+51) 116

First aid: (+51) 117

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Hotline (24 hours):



Consular protection and assistance telephone of the Embassy in Peru:


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