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9、 What aspects of consular protection and assistance can Chinese embassies and consulates abroad provide?
  • Published at 16:19, October 10, 2023  

A: After receiving your help, the consular officers of Chinese embassies and consulates abroad will provide you with necessary assistance within the scope of their duties according to local laws, regulations and relevant specific circumstances, including:

(1) If your legitimate rights and interests are violated, consular officers can verify the situation with the relevant departments of the host country, urge them to handle it fairly and properly according to law, and provide you with channels, suggestions and necessary assistance to safeguard your legitimate rights and interests.

(2) If you are taken measures by the country where you are suspected of breaking the law or committing a crime, the consular officer can ask the relevant departments of the country where you are located to know about the verification and ask them to handle it fairly and properly according to law. If you are detained, arrested or serving a sentence, the consular officer may, at your request or with your consent, pay a consular visit to you in accordance with the laws of the country and relevant bilateral or international treaties, understand your relevant needs, and require the relevant departments of the country where you are located to give you humanitarian treatment and protect your legitimate rights and interests.

(3) If the host country hears a case involving you, if the consular officer considers it necessary after study, he or she can conduct an audit in accordance with the laws of that country and relevant bilateral or international treaties, and ask the relevant departments of the host country to protect your litigation rights.

(4) If your Chinese relatives need guardianship abroad but live unattended, after you have performed the necessary legal procedures in the host country, consular officers can verify and report the situation to the relevant departments in the host country and urge them to properly handle it according to law.

(5) If your basic life cannot be guaranteed due to property theft and other reasons, consular officers can provide assistance for you to contact relatives and friends and obtain necessary relief.

(6) If your Chinese relatives are unaccounted for abroad, consular officers can provide you with local alarm methods and other information about obtaining assistance. If a case is filed by the police of the host country, the police of the host country can be urged to deal with it in a timely and proper manner.

(7) If you are injured due to criminal cases of public security, natural disasters, accidents, etc., consular officers can learn about the verification from the relevant departments of the host country according to the relevant circumstances, urge them to carry out emergency relief and medical treatment, and require them to handle it fairly and properly according to law.

(8) If your close relative of Chinese nationality dies unexpectedly abroad, the consular officer can assist you in dealing with the aftermath according to the relevant regulations of the host country, inform you of the local regulations on the time limit for the disposal of remains and relics, and require the relevant departments of the host country to deal with the remains and relics fairly and properly according to law.

(9) In case of war, armed conflict, riot, serious natural disaster, major accident disaster, serious infectious disease epidemic, terrorist attack and other major emergencies in the host country, which threaten your personal and property safety, consular officials can urge the host country to take measures to protect your personal and property safety, and provide assistance according to the relevant circumstances.

(10) If you have civil disputes, criminal cases or sudden diseases with others in your country, consular officers can provide you with the list and contact information of local legal services, translation and medical institutions for your reference and selection.

(11) If you lose or do not hold a valid travel document for some reason, the consular officer can issue you a corresponding travel document in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.

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