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10、 What suggestions do you have for Chinese citizens who are going abroad?
  • Release time: 16:11, October 10, 2023  

A: The Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the following suggestions for Chinese citizens who are going abroad:

(1) Properly arrange overseas travel. It is recommended that you visit China Consular Service Network, China Consular APP and the website of Chinese embassies and consulates in the local area, pay attention to the "Consular Direct Train" and the WeChat official account of embassies and consulates abroad, carefully understand the country information of the destination, visit the relevant official website of the destination, and learn about the local political situation, social security, epidemic diseases, natural climate, customs, and taboos, In particular, information such as safety accidents prone to occur should put personal safety in the first place, properly arrange travel abroad, and ensure adequate funds.

(2) Pay attention to the destination risk tips. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies and consulates stationed abroad, on the basis of assessing foreign security risks, timely release corresponding risk warning information, and timely release risk response and travel suggestions according to changes in the security situation. Travel suggestions are divided into three levels: "pay attention to safety", "proceed cautiously" and "do not go temporarily". It is recommended that you follow up in a timely manner from the perspective of ensuring your own safety, assess risks rationally and make decisions carefully according to your own needs.

(3) Understand emergency contact information. It is recommended to log on to the China Consular Service Network and the China Consular APP to inquire about the emergency call numbers, dialing methods, and consular protection duty numbers of embassies and consulates abroad, such as the destination alarm, first aid, etc. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Hotline (+86-10-12308 or+86-10-65612308) is open 24 hours a day. It is recommended to keep relevant contact information for use in case of urgent need.

(4) Check to make sure the passport is valid. According to the international prevailing requirements, the remaining validity period of the passport should generally not be less than 6 months. It is recommended to keep the passport clean and tidy to avoid water immersion or damage and loss of electronic chip pages, so as not to affect visa application, entry and exit and overseas travel arrangements. It is recommended to accurately fill in the "emergency information" page of the passport, and send the passport, ID card, overseas insurance policy (if any) and passport electronic photos to my e-mail for retention. Take several paper photos and copies of the minor's birth certificate for use when necessary.

(5) Understand the entry requirements of the destination country. It is suggested to understand the management regulations and entry and exit requirements of foreigners at the destination. If you need to apply for a visa, please apply for and complete the entry (transit) visa in advance according to the requirements of the website of the relevant embassies and consulates in China. If it is possible to apply for a landing visa or visa free visa, it should be confirmed that the entry purpose and formalities materials meet the requirements of the destination. Ensure that the type of visa is consistent with the purpose of going abroad, and the validity, duration of stay and number of entries are consistent with the plan of going abroad. After entering the country, pay attention to the validity of the visa or residence certificate, and apply for extension in advance if necessary.

(6) Purchase appropriate insurance and air tickets. Foreign safety risks and medical treatment costs are relatively high. It is recommended to purchase personal safety and medical insurance that meet their own conditions according to their own health conditions, the purpose and journey of going abroad, as well as the risks and medical conditions of the destination. When traveling overseas, we may face the uncertainty of security. It is suggested to purchase special insurance according to the actual situation before traveling. The purchase of air (vehicle, ship) tickets should take full account of the variable factors to reserve enough time for the transfer and ensure the proper connection of connecting flights. Since some cities have multiple airports, the specific name and location of the arrival or transit airport should be determined in advance.

(7) Understand the entry and exit management requirements of the destination

Quarantine and epidemic prevention requirements. Comply with the requirements of entry and exit inspection, animal and plant quarantine and customs supervision of the personnel at the destination, carry out relevant physical examination and vaccination as required, and obtain documents that meet the requirements. Learn about the entry and epidemic prevention management policies of countries and regions in advance, and make preparations according to the requirements of the destination. If it is necessary to carry prescription drugs, it is recommended to know the relevant regulations of the destination country in advance. The carrying of drugs should not exceed the restrictions of the destination customs on the type and quantity of drugs. At the same time, it is recommended to carry prescriptions, foreign language instructions of drugs and drug purchase invoices for inspection.

Prohibited and restrictive requirements of the customs. All countries prohibit the entry of drugs, protected animal and plant products, etc. There are clear prohibitions or limits on food, animal and plant products, alcohol, tobacco, etc. There are limits on the amount of money brought into the country. It is recommended to fully understand before traveling. Please do not bring prohibited goods and avoid bringing large amounts of cash into the country. Please be sure to avoid carrying luggage for others, especially prohibited or unknown items. Report the situation of restricted articles and cash amount truthfully as required.

Other instructions. Please answer the inquiries of customs, immigration and other staff truthfully, cooperate with law enforcement and maintain rational and necessary respect. Before signing the relevant documents, carefully read and confirm the acceptance of the documents, and seek the help of translators and lawyers when necessary. Abide by the laws and regulations governing foreigners, and go through formalities such as foreigners' registration in a timely manner as required.

(8) Respect the civilized customs of the destination. In order to better integrate into the local environment, ensure a smooth journey and avoid potential risks, please pay attention to understand the local customs and religious beliefs before traveling. Pay attention to your own image, dress, talk and behave in harmony with the environment. For example, avoid making noise in quiet public places, not jumping in line when waiting in line, not smoking in non-smoking places, not shooting in places where photography is prohibited, and not using drones in violation of regulations. Respect the religious beliefs of local residents, care for public property, and maintain environmental sanitation. Pay attention to the signs, follow the guidance of the staff, and do not enter the areas that are not open or prohibited to foreigners.

(9) Actively register personal information. In order to provide you with timely and accurate assistance when you need it, we recommend and encourage you to register truthfully and update relevant personal information in a timely manner through the "overseas Chinese citizen registration function" of the Chinese Consular APP and the relevant platforms established by Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. Registered personnel will get information push, emergency contact, emergency rescue and other services provided by relevant embassies and consulates more quickly. If you leave the country, please register your departure in time.

(10) Keep in regular contact with relatives and friends. It is strongly recommended to send the schedule to relatives and friends before traveling, open the international roaming phone or buy local telecommunications services, agree on the contact information with relatives and friends, and keep in touch with them while abroad. Before and after going to remote areas without signal, or after major emergencies such as natural disasters and public security cases, you should actively and timely contact relatives and friends, report safety, or seek their advice and help. Send photos of passport information page and visa page to relatives and friends, and inform them of their detailed local address, mobile phone number and contact information (friends, colleagues, classmates or teachers, etc.) in time for emergencies.

(11) Do not engage in illegal activities. We will resolutely draw a clear line with illegal activities such as online gambling and telecommunications fraud. If you are deceived into online gambling and electronic fraud groups, please try to report to the local police on the premise of ensuring your personal safety. If you are delayed due to fraudulent illegal activities and do not have a passport or other valid documents, you can contact the Chinese embassy or consulate in the local area to truthfully report your situation, and the embassy or consulate will verify your identity with the domestic competent authorities and then reissue the relevant travel documents for your return. In this case, to ensure a smooth return journey, you must also ask the local immigration department whether it is necessary to go through the relevant exit procedures.

(12) Rationally deal with entry obstacles. If entry is blocked, it is recommended to communicate patiently with immigration officials, truthfully explain the situation, and provide proof materials as far as possible to avoid conflict of words or behaviors. If you are scheduled to be repatriated, please contact the incoming airline or other airlines to arrange the repatriation ticket as soon as possible, and take the initiative to inform relatives and friends and the Chinese embassy and consulate in the local area of the situation. The embassy or consulate will, if feasible, ask the immigration officer for information and explain it, but the embassy or consulate has no right to interfere with the execution of official duties by the local immigration officer and the decisions made by the competent department, nor can it ensure that you will eventually be allowed to enter the country. If you think that your rights and interests are damaged in this process, you can calmly preserve the evidence, protect your rights by complaining to the local competent department, judicial prosecution and other legitimate ways, and do not take excessive actions.

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