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CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 CN Deed

Attribution - non-commercial use - sharing in the same way 3.0 Mainland China


This is an older version of this license. Compared to previous versions, the 4.0 versions of all CC licenses are more user-friendly and more internationally robust . If you are licensing your own work , we strongly recommend the use of the 4.0 license instead: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Need | Attribution - non-commercial use - share 4.0 international in the same way

You are free to:

  1. share - Copy and distribute this work in any form in any media
  2. deduction - Modify, transform or create based on this work
  3. As long as you comply with the terms of the license agreement, the licensor cannot withdraw these rights from you.

However, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Signature - You must give Appropriate signature , provide a link to this license agreement, and Indicate whether (the original work) has been modified You may sign your name in any reasonable way, but you shall not imply that the licensor endorses you or your use in any way.
  2. Non commercial use You may not use this work for Business Purpose
  3. Share in the same way - If you remix, transform or create based on this work, you must The same license agreement as the original license agreement Distribute your contributions.
  4. No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technical measures This restricts others from doing what is allowed by the license agreement.


You do not have to comply with the license agreement because of the elements of the work in the public domain, or your use is applicable Exceptions or restrictions Allowed.

No guarantee. The license agreement may not give you all necessary licenses for your intended use. For example, other rights such as Right of publicity, privacy or personality May limit how you use the work.

Creative Commons is the nonprofit behind the open licenses and other legal tools that allow creators to share their work. Our legal tools are free to use.