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    The game experience of "Top Speed OL"

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Zhao Jiannan
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    For most players who like racing games《 Top speed car 》It has always been one of the benchmark series of racing games. In order to let more players experience the charm of this series of games, EA decided to create an online game type of "Top Speed Car" game. In April of this year, Tencent established a deep cooperation relationship with EA, bringing EA's latest work, The Best Flying Car ONLINE, to China.

     The game experience of "Top Speed OL"

    As the latest work of a classic IP, the appearance of "Top Speed OL" has made domestic racing game enthusiasts excited. Finally, in the middle of this month, Tencent launched the first test of the game. Similar to other new games of Tencent, this game still used the test mode of using activation code experience at the initial stage. The author was lucky to get one, so he joined the game at the first time when the test suit opened.

     The game experience of "Top Speed OL"
    Game title interface

    After starting the game, you will first enter the title interface of the game. This time's "Top Speed OL" was created by EA Seoul studio SPEARHEAD and developed with "Frost 3" engine, so it can even surpass many single car racing works in terms of image expression. However, judging from the current status of the test suit, there are still many options for screen effects that cannot be opened, so the powerful power of the "Frost 3" engine cannot be fully exerted. true // report eight hundred and eight For most of the players who like racing games, "Top Speed" has always been one of the benchmark series of racing games. In order to let more players experience the charm of this series of games, EA decided to create an online game type of "Top Speed Car" game. In April of this year, Tencent established a deep cooperation relationship with EA, bringing EA's latest work, The Best Flying Car ONLINE
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