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Shi Xizhi, General Secretary's Concern for the Spring Festival

New Year of Reunion | General Secretary is visiting my house!

08:54, February 6, 2024 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

General Secretary Xi Jinping once said, "On the occasion of the New Year, what I care most about is the poor people, how they eat and live, and whether they can have a good New Year and a good Spring Festival."

With this concern, during the Spring Festival, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly braved the wind and snow, crossed mountains and rivers, and came to the masses of the people over the years. From the frontier outside the Great Wall to the old revolutionary base areas, from urban communities to ethnic villages …… Ask Leng Huan, pull home, talk slowly and ask carefully.

Every village, every household, every bit, the General Secretary always has the people in his heart.

Supervisor: He Jingru, Liu Xiaoli

Planner: Deng Zhihui Ren Yilin

Narrator: Wang Xiaoxiao

Copywriter: Peng Jing

Camera clip light: Tang and Song Dynasties

(Editor in charge: Peng Jing, Deng Zhihui)
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