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Follow the General Secretary to see China | "Great Reform" behind the "Small Window"

October 13, 2022 16:06 Source: People's Network

The size of a big country also has the weight of a big country. A myriad of things, in the final analysis, are the business of thousands of families.

On September 29, 2013, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone was listed at No. 9, Jilong Road, Pudong New Area. A reform experiment starting from 28 square kilometers has stirred up a new round of reform and opening up of 9.6 million square kilometers.

On the same day, Wang Lianfeng, the window clerk of the Enterprise Registration and Licensing Section, received a notice that all the National Day holidays were cancelled. From October 1, the pilot operation of the Free Trade Zone began.

On October 1, Wang Lianfeng sat in front of the registration window as usual, looking at the endless line, and was worried: "The enterprise affairs hall of the management committee of the pilot free trade zone is crowded with investors and entrepreneurs." People have a high expectation of the free trade zone.

"There is no experience to learn from and no precedent to follow. At the beginning of the establishment of the Free Trade Zone, a new policy will be introduced in an average of seven days. It is often the first day that news reports are released, and the next day someone comes to consult how to use this policy, forcing everyone to learn and study." Wang Lianfeng sighed.

In the afternoon of May 23, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Waigaoqiao Comprehensive Service Hall in the test area to listen to the report on the overall construction progress of the test area, and communicated with the industry and commerce, customs, inspection and quarantine and other window staff. Xi Jinping stressed that the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone is a large experimental field, which needs to plant good varieties, cultivate and protect them carefully, expect a good harvest, and promote the experience of cultivating good varieties. Xi Jinping hopes that the pilot zone will combine the expansion of opening up with the reform of the system, the cultivation function with policy innovation, and make bold breakthroughs, bold trials, and independent reforms in accordance with the principle of first try, risk control, step-by-step progress, and gradual improvement.

Today, "improved varieties" are spread everywhere: negative list of foreign investment, "single window" of international trade, "separation of license", "one industry, one license"... hundreds of institutional innovation achievements have been copied and extended to the whole country from here. Over the past nine years, this "experimental field" along the Huangpu River has tried out a new world. (Tang Xiaoli)

China Internet Development Foundation China Positive Energy Network Communication Special Fund

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Deng Zhihui)
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