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Li Hongzhong, Liao Guoxun, Duan Chunhua, Sheng Maolin and others participated in voluntary tree planting activities

Accelerate the construction of ecological barriers to maintain the "green lung" of Beijing Tianjin Hebei cities

09:19, March 20, 2021 Source: Tianjin daily

Former title: Accelerating the construction of ecological barriers to maintain the "green lung" of Beijing Tianjin Hebei cities

A report from our newspaper (reporter Wei Yu Chunfeng): Spring returns, the east wind is warm, and it is a good time to plant green. On the morning of March 19, Li Hongzhong, Liao Guoxun, Duan Chunhua, Sheng Maolin, Ding Xiangrong and other municipal party, government and military leaders came to the construction site of the second phase of the ancient coastal corridor in the west area of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone to participate in tree planting with the cadres and masses of the Binhai New Area, sow green for the land of Jingu, and jointly maintain the "green lung" of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei city. This is also the fourth consecutive year since our city started the planning and construction of the green ecological barrier area in the middle of the two cities in 2018, the city's party, government and military leaders have participated in the national voluntary tree planting activities in the "Green Corridor of the Two Cities".

The planned construction area of the ancient coastal corridor project in the Economic and Technological Development Zone is 3.41 million square meters, which is an important part of the green ecological barrier, and also a key project of the new zone to improve the livable and business friendly ecological environment of the "Bincheng". At present, the earthworks of the second phase project have been completed. Based on the natural environment, it will plant tree species such as Sophora japonica, Sophora fragrans, Fraxinus pekinensis, Elm, and Steamed Bun Willow to improve the regional ecological conservation function and reshape the ancient coastal ecological corridor.

In the planting area, the municipal party, government and army leaders wield shovels, fill cofferdams, carry buckets for watering, and jointly plant next seedlings to sow green hopes. After a busy time, white wax trees stood upright in the spring wind.

During the gap between planting trees, Li Hongzhong asked about the progress of the city's ecological barrier construction. The person in charge of the relevant municipal department introduced that after more than three years of planting and protection, the primary control area of the green ecological barrier now has 186000 mu of trees, 63.5% of the blue and green space, and nearly 25% of the forest green coverage. This year, 4500 mu of reforestation and greening are planned.

Li Hongzhong pointed out that the implementation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the implementation of the new development concept depends on our determination and practical actions. Accelerating the construction of green ecological barriers is a specific measure for our city to adhere to ecological priority and green development. It is also an important way to improve the city's carbon sink capacity and expand the ecological space of Beijing Tianjin Hebei. We should work year after year, make contributions for a long time, persevere and unswervingly carry on. At present, it is necessary to seize the time node of planting trees and planting green in spring, speed up the task of afforestation and greening, scientifically select suitable local tree species, and do a good job in forest management and protection to ensure the survival rate of seedlings. Li Hongzhong specifically told the comrades in charge of Binhai New Area to strengthen the ecological protection, afforestation, energy conservation and consumption reduction in the new area, and accelerate the construction of a green and livable beautiful "Binhai City".

Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Vice Mayor and comrades in charge of the city concerned attended.

(Editor in charge: Cao Miao, Xie Lei)
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