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The Fourth Session of the 13th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress opened in Chengdu Peng Qinghua presided over the opening meeting and announced the opening

14:38, January 31, 2021 Source: Sichuan Daily

Original title: The Fourth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress Opens in Chengdu

News from our newspaper (Liu Jia, Li Miao, Zhang Tingming and Ren Hong, all media reporter of Sichuan Daily) On the morning of January 30, the fourth session of the 13th People's Congress of Sichuan Province was opened in Chengdu. Representatives of the Provincial People's Congress from all over the province and from all fronts gathered together to perform the sacred duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws in accordance with the law, and discuss the overall plan of building a socialist modern Sichuan.

886 delegates should be present at the meeting, 846 of whom were actually present, which is in line with the quorum.

Peng Qinghua, executive chairman of the presidium and executive chairman of the opening meeting, presided over the opening meeting. Huang Xinchu, Wang Ning, Wang Minghui, Chen Wenhua, Ye Zhuang, Liu Zuoming, Bao Hui and Jiao Weixia, the executive chairman of the presidium and the executive chairman of the opening meeting, took their seats in front of the rostrum.

The meeting heard the work report made by Huang Qiang, acting governor of the province, on behalf of the provincial people's government, and the work report of the provincial higher people's court and the provincial people's procuratorate. The conference also submitted to representatives for review the 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Sichuan Province and the Outline of the 2035 Long term Goals (draft), the Report on the Implementation of the 2020 National Economic and Social Development Plan of Sichuan Province and the 2021 Draft Plan, and the Report on the Implementation of the 2020 Budget of Sichuan Province and the 2021 Draft Budget.

Ke Zunping, Chairman of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee, Deng Xiaogang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, and Jiang Ping, Deputy Political Commissar and Political Commissar of the Air Force of the Western Warzone, attended the conference and took their seats on the rostrum.

At 9 a.m., Peng Qinghua announced the opening of the fourth session of the 13th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress! All stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

In the warm applause, acting governor Huang Qiang made a work report on behalf of the provincial people's government. The report consists of three parts: a review of the work in 2020 and major achievements in the development of the 13th Five Year Plan; The overall consideration of the 14th Five Year Plan and the 2035 long-term goal; Work arrangement for 2021.

Huang Qiang said that the year 2020, which has just passed, is an extraordinary year in the historical process of governing Sichuan. In the face of severe and complex domestic and international situations, especially the severe impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, we firmly follow the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and under the direct leadership of the provincial party committee, we will comprehensively promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, do a solid job in "six stability" work, and comprehensively implement the "six guarantees" The task, according to the working idea of "more contributions to agriculture, industry playing the leading role, investment playing the leading role, and consumption promoting upgrading", is to really work hard and overcome difficulties. The economy of the province is picking up quarter by quarter, stabilizing and improving, and the overall social situation remains stable. The provincial GDP reached 4.86 trillion yuan, ranking sixth in the country, with an increase of 3.8%, 1.5 percentage points higher than the national level. The local general public budget revenue reached 425.8 billion yuan, with an increase of 4.6%. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 5.8% and 8.6% respectively.

The report reviews and summarizes the work done by the government in the past year: fight the COVID-19 epidemic and the catastrophic rainstorm and flood disaster with all efforts, vigorously promote the construction of the Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle, fight to overcome poverty, vigorously promote economic stability and recovery, focus on cultivating modern industries, deeply promote comprehensive innovation, reform and opening up, continue to improve people's well-being, and promote social stability, Accomplish the main objectives and tasks determined at the beginning of the year, marking a successful end to the "13th Five Year Plan".

Huang Qiang said that over the past five years, we have thoroughly implemented our original mission, and the government has made new achievements in its own construction; Vigorously promote economic transformation and upgrading, and make comprehensive strength reach a new level; Efforts were made to promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and new steps were taken to build a province strong in culture and tourism; Firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and the beautiful Sichuan will show a new look; Always adhere to the people centered development thought, and the people's sense of gain, happiness and security have been improved. Over the past five years, we have gone through difficulties and obstacles, overcome various difficulties and achieved remarkable results. This is the result of the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and the concerted efforts and hard work of the people of the province led by the provincial party committee. While seeing the achievements, we are also soberly aware that there are still some difficulties and problems in economic and social development. We must face the problem squarely, take the responsibility bravely, take effective measures to solve it effectively, and never fail to live up to the expectations of the people.

The report explains the 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Sichuan Province and the Outline of the Vision and Objectives for the 2035 (draft). The Draft Outline defines the main objectives of economic and social development in the next five years from six aspects: economic strength, development vitality, social civilization, ecological environment, people's well-being, and governance effectiveness; Looking forward to 2035, it proposed the overall goal of Sichuan to basically realize socialist modernization in step with the whole country, and described the long-term goals of economy, science and technology, rule of law, culture, ecology, openness, and people's livelihood. The Outline Draft proposes that during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, the provincial GDP will grow by 6% annually, and the total economic output will reach two trillion yuan levels. It will focus on building an important economic center with national influence, a scientific and technological innovation center, a new highland of reform and opening up, and a high-quality living and livable place, and create an important growth pole and new power source to drive high-quality development of the country, The key tasks of economic and social development were systematically planned and arranged from 14 aspects.

Huang Qiang pointed out that to promote the implementation of various major deployments, we need to focus on four points: actively serve the major national strategic overall situation, and deeply integrate into the new development pattern. We should firmly grasp the theme of high-quality development and create new advantages for economic development. Continue to strengthen innovation, reform and opening up, and constantly stimulate the vitality of development momentum. We will make overall plans to promote development and improve people's wellbeing, and ensure the safety of modernization.

Huang Qiang said that Sichuan ushered in a rare historical opportunity as it embarked on a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, advanced towards the second century goal, and achieved the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Standing at a new historical starting point, we firmly believe that under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, the whole province will unite, forge ahead and forge ahead, and the beautiful blueprint of the "14th Five Year Plan" will become a reality.

The report puts forward the main expected goals of the province's economic and social development this year: the gross regional product will increase by more than 7%, the investment in fixed assets of the whole society will increase by 7%, the total retail sales of consumer goods will increase by 10%, the total import and export volume will increase higher than the national average, the local general public budget revenue will be basically consistent with the economic development trend, and the per capita disposable income of residents will grow steadily, The consumer price index was kept at around 103.5, 850000 new jobs were created in cities and towns, energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection targets were met, and grain output remained above 70 billion jin.

Huang Qiang said that in order to achieve the above goals, he will adhere to the working idea of "stabilizing agriculture, strengthening industry, promoting consumption, expanding domestic demand, focusing on projects, focusing on innovation, smoothing circulation, and improving quality", and focus on ten aspects of work: first, take the construction of Chengdu Chongqing double city economic circle as the strategic traction, and further promote the development of "one trunk line, multiple branches, and five regions in coordination". Second, we should deepen innovation driven development and accelerate the construction of a science and technology innovation center with national influence. Third, comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate agricultural and rural modernization. Fourth, accelerate the development of modern industries and promote the optimization and upgrading of economic structure. Fifth, firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and plant the advantages in the hinterland of the market. Sixth, we should continue to deepen reform and expand opening up, and constantly improve the competitiveness of business environment. Seventh, adhere to ecological priority and green development, and build ecological barriers in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Eighth, ensure and improve people's livelihood and improve social governance. Ninth, we should carefully and consistently focus on the normalization and precise prevention and control of the epidemic, and firmly hold the bottom line of safe development. Tenth, strengthen the self construction of the government and improve its governance capacity and level.

Huang Qiang finally said that the new stage gives new missions, and the new journey calls for new achievements. Let's unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the provincial party committees, work with one heart and one mind, blaze new trails, and strive to complete the goals and tasks of the year, and strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization in Sichuan, so as to greet the centennial of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements.

Wang Shujiang, president of the Provincial High People's Court, said when reporting to the Congress, in 2020, the courts of the province will firmly grasp the principle of justice for the people and justice, faithfully perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, and strive to ensure high-quality economic and social development; Adhere to the construction of safe and legal Sichuan; Constantly meet the people's diversified judicial needs; Consolidate and deepen the achievements of "basically solving difficulties in implementation"; Deeply promote the comprehensive reform of the judiciary; We will work hard to build a strong team of "four modernizations". Courts across the province have accepted 1.3418 million cases; 1308100 cases were reviewed and finalized, up 2.87% year on year. During the epidemic, the provincial courts actively participated in joint prevention and control, organizing 93300 people to participate in front-line prevention and control work; The "non-contact" litigation service platforms such as Sichuan Micro Court and online mediation are widely used to effectively meet the judicial needs of the people during the epidemic; We issued the advice on service guarantee and overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control, and ensured the resumption of work and production of enterprises in accordance with the law. This year, the provincial courts will adhere to the work goal of "striving to make the people feel fair and just in every judicial case", make real moves to consolidate the high-quality development effect of services, seek real achievements in consolidating and promoting the modernization effect of governance, solve problems in the effectiveness of justice for the people, do not slack in the implementation of the work, deepen the effectiveness of comprehensive supporting reforms, and "four modernizations" The team building has been further strengthened to provide strong judicial services and guarantees for the overall construction of socialist modernization in Sichuan.

Feng Jian, the Procurator General of the Provincial People's Procuratorate, said when reporting to the Congress, in 2020, the procuratorial organs of the province will serve the overall situation with a high degree of political consciousness, rule of law consciousness and procuratorial consciousness, and escort epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development; Ensure people's livelihood and strive to provide more and better procuratorial services; Guarding justice and supervising the unified and correct implementation of laws; We improved our ability, focused on building a strong procuratorial team, and contributed "procuratorial power" to promoting the governance of Sichuan and the rejuvenation of Sichuan to a new level. A total of 187034 cases were handled throughout the year. The quality and efficiency of the criminal prosecution were improved, and the application rate of the system of plea of guilty and leniency of punishment increased by 33.5 percentage points year on year; Civil procuratorial filing was upgraded, and the number of cases handled increased by 42.3% year on year; The number of cases handled increased by 63.5% year on year with the increase of administrative procuratorial capacity; The procuratorial work of public interest litigation has achieved remarkable results, with the number of cases filed rising 55% year on year. The quality and efficiency of the "four major procuratorial work" and "ten major businesses" have entered the first array of procuratorial organs nationwide, and the new pattern of legal supervision has been further consolidated. In 2021, the provincial procuratorial organs will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, understand and practice Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, earnestly implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the Eighth Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee and the Political and Legal Work Conference of the Central and Provincial Party Committees, and adhere to the procuratorial mission of serving the overall situation and the people's justice, Adhere to the constitutional orientation of legal supervision by procuratorial organs, adhere to the systematic concept, rule of law thinking, and strong foundation orientation, and promote the construction of a higher level of Sichuan ruled by law and safe Sichuan with the development of procuratorial work from height to quality.

Leaders of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee, the Provincial People's Government, the Provincial CPPCC, the Provincial Higher People's Court, the Provincial People's Procuratorate, some veteran comrades who are deputies to the 13th Provincial People's Congress and leaders of the troops stationed in Sichuan were invited to attend the opening meeting and took their seats on the rostrum.

Members of the CPPCC who attended the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC Provincial Committee, members of the provincial people's government who were not deputies to the 13th Provincial People's Congress, main heads of relevant departments of the provincial party committee and the office of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, main heads of institutions directly under the provincial people's government and relevant units, main heads of provincial people's organizations, and some deputies to the National People's Congress in Sichuan, The main heads of some central offices in Sichuan, some overseas Chinese representatives and others attended the opening meeting as nonvoting delegates.

(Editor in charge: Liu Youhan, Huang Zijuan)
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