People from all walks of life actively participate in the online consultation of the 14th Five Year Plan

Hot topic 1: looking forward to improving people's livelihood, improving quality and promoting innovation

In the messages, netizens generally expect that people's livelihood security can achieve high-quality life, remedy weaknesses, improve quality and promote innovation on the basis of simple foundation and meeting basic needs.

Hot topic 2: Expecting science and technology to promote high-quality and sustainable economic and social development

Innovation driven development and economic and social development increasingly rely on innovation in systems, science and technology, culture and other aspects. Netizens suggested that we should further innovate the development concept, and continue to promote high-quality and sustainable economic and social development.

Hot topic 3: looking forward to improving the efficiency and ability of grass-roots governance

This year, the fight against COVID-19 has achieved significant strategic results, highlighting the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and governance effectiveness. With regard to outstanding issues in the field of social governance, most netizens hope that the grass-roots governance capacity and efficiency can be improved.

Hot topic 4: looking forward to accelerating infrastructure construction and promoting economic and social development

In the message about infrastructure construction, the main areas of concern of netizens include transportation infrastructure construction and new infrastructure construction. Most netizens believe that the construction of new infrastructure will not only play a more important supporting role in economic and social operations, but also become a new driving force to promote a new round of economic growth and usher in major development opportunities.