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On the "new road to the exam", Xi Jinping issued a mobilization order

Ren Yilin

10:57, August 23, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network

In March 1949, 28 years after the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China set out from Xibaipo to Peiping at that time. Comrade Mao Zedong said that today is the day to go to Beijing to "catch up with the exam"; we should never take Li Zicheng, we all hope to get a good result in the exam.

In July 2021, the glorious moment of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly announced at the conference to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, "Now, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to embark on a new road to achieve the second centenary goal."

The centennial journey is just in its prime; we should set sail and take the exam again. At present, the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way has begun, and the bugle of marching towards the second century goal has sounded.

Taking a new road to the exam is a course of party history with firm belief, a declaration with confidence and high spirit, and a mobilization order of the times with determination to strive.

Keep going - how to keep "catching up for the exam" sober all the time?

Looking back at history, "catching the exam" is to keep the original intention forever, and never forget the way of coming.

In July 2013, Xi Jinping went to Xibaipo to take the road of "going to Beijing to take an exam" again

"When I come to Xibaipo every time, I think most of what is the main reason why Comrade Mao Zedong put forward the 'two musts' in those years? Do we still have something that is not thorough? The' two musts' are familiar, but can we understand the 'two musts' deeply in the current situation, so that they can better guide the current party building? How can we carry them forward today in the light of the new situation?" A series of questions reflected the deep thinking of the General Secretary.

"Two Musts" contains a profound summary of the arduous struggle process, and how to pass on the red gene in the spirit of "catching up for the exam" is a new proposition for the centennial CPC——

History not only contains the password of "where we come from", but also marks the road sign of "where we go". At present, the party history study and education that is being carried out by the whole party is just to learn and summarize the party history, so that our party will never deteriorate and our red country will never change color.

Since this year, when Xi Jinping visited Fujian, Guangxi, Qinghai and Tibet, he respectively explained "learning from history to make sense, learning from history to increase credibility, learning from history to uphold virtue and learning from history to practice".

Visiting the Red Mansion of Peking University, the former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong in Fengzeyuan... On the eve of July 1, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held the 31st collective study on making good use of red resources and continuing the red blood, and took the lead in the study and education of party history by combining visits and discussions.

On the occasion of the centennial of the Communist Party of China, the CPC History Exhibition Hall officially opened in Beijing, the capital. More than 2600 pictures and more than 3500 sets of cultural relics guide visitors to pass on the torch of spirit from generation to generation.

Lin Zhenyi, director of the Scientific Research Department of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), said that the glorious course, great achievements and precious experience of the Party in its centennial struggle are the most vivid teaching materials for us to enlighten our thoughts, increase our wisdom and improve our skills. If we study and use this textbook well, we can consciously improve our leadership and governing ability, and better grasp the historical initiative of the development of the Party and the country.

In his speech at the congress celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping put forward the fundamental requirements of "nine musts" around taking history as a mirror and creating the future, and expounded the important experience of our party's glorious achievements in its centennial struggle.

The glorious moment of a hundred years, engraved in the heart with the sound of the thundering salute, General Secretary Xi Jinping should tell us that "we should use history to reflect the reality and look into the future. From the centennial struggle of the Communist Party of China, we should see clearly why we succeeded in the past and how we can continue to succeed in the future, so that we can more firmly and consciously remember our original mission and create a better future in the new journey."

Now - how to answer the time questionnaire of "rushing for the exam"?

To forge ahead in the present, "catching up for the exam" is to face the challenges and start a new situation in the changing situation.

At present, challenges and changes are unprecedented——

The COVID-19 epidemic and the century old changes are intertwined. In the face of the treacherous risks and tests, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core leads the people to break through the waves, dare to fight, be good at fighting, and open up new roads and bridges in the face of difficulties.

In a series of "plus questions", the Communist Party of China gives full play to the advantages of "governance of China", focuses on major events, forms a strong joint force with effective systems and mechanisms, and strives to win and fight battles.

At present, opportunities and new situation are unprecedented——

On July 1, 2021, a 100 gun salute will resound through the sky, and the applause of the people will resound through Tiananmen Square and everywhere in China. The solemn declaration of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects makes every Chinese proud.

"China's Action to Fight COVID-19", "China's Practice of Human Poverty Reduction", "Building a Well off Society in an All round Way: A Brilliant Chapter in the Development of China's Human Rights Cause"... A white paper has vivid footnotes between the lines for the era theme of "catching up with the exam".

"To take the road to the new era, Party members and cadres must always remember that 'we are the respondents', and implement the goals set by the Party. We must adapt to the new era, new tasks and new requirements, improve the cadre assessment and evaluation mechanism, and transform the enthusiasm of the officers for entrepreneurship into practical actions for people's happiness and national rejuvenation." Professor Hong Xianghua told reporters.

Wang Yuqiang, a researcher of the Central Institute of Party History and Documentation, said that when embarking on the new road to the second centennial goal, we must adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, stand firmly on the people's position, implement the Party's mass line, respect the people's initiative, practice the people centered development idea, develop people's democracy throughout the process, and promote the all-round development of people More tangible and substantial progress has been made in achieving common prosperity for all people.

"All leading cadres and all Party members should continue to do well in the people's' examinations' of our Party, the 'examinations' that our Party is undergoing and will undergo, and strive to hand in excellent answers." Xi Jinping asked.

In spring and autumn, hard work is worth while. In 2020, China's gross domestic product will exceed 100 trillion yuan, basic medical insurance will cover 1.36 billion people, and the world's largest social security system will be built... Each development achievement will stir up a new atmosphere of national prosperity and people's happiness, realizing the great leap from "catching up with the times" to "leading the times".

The future - how to take a new road of "catching up for the exam"?

Looking forward to the future, "catching up with the exam" is to shoulder the mission bravely and march towards the great rejuvenation with an unstoppable pace.

Today, the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process, and we have embarked on a new road to the second century goal.

To take a new road to the exam is to always remember people first——

To make people live a happy life is "the biggest country". Among the 20 indicators set in the "14th Five Year Plan" and the 2035 Vision Outline, 7 are people's wellbeing, accounting for more than one third, which is the highest in previous five-year plans. Focusing on the people is always the starting point and end result of development.

Taking a new road to the exam is always the way to remember the past——

"Adhere to the truth, stick to the ideal, practice the original intention, assume the mission, be not afraid of sacrifice, brave struggle, be loyal to the party, live up to the people", this great spirit of party building is the source of the spirit of the Communist Party of China, and it is more necessary to carry forward the spirit of party building on the new road of examination.

Taking a new road to the exam is always bearing the responsibility of a big country——

On July 6, 2021, the summit between the Communist Party of China and the leaders of the world's political parties was held in the "cloud", and the eyes of the world were once again focused on China.

Faced with the major proposition of "working for the people's happiness: the responsibility of a political party", Xi Jinping proposed that a political party should shoulder "five responsibilities" - "we should shoulder the responsibility of leading the direction", "we should shoulder the responsibility of consensus building", "we should shoulder the responsibility of promoting development", "we should shoulder the responsibility of strengthening cooperation", "we should shoulder the responsibility of improving governance"

On August 5, the first meeting of the New Crown International Forum for Vaccine Cooperation was held by video. Xi Jinping delivered a written speech to the meeting, stressing that "China will continue to do its best to help developing countries cope with the epidemic."

Since the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind was put forward, China's plan, China's contribution and China's concept have always been better than words. Under the circumstances, China has always been mindful of the responsibility of a major country and has been a respondent to jointly promote global development.

"On the new road to the exam, we are facing an increasingly complex international and domestic environment. We need to base ourselves on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and promote self-reliance in science and technology. We will create the historical glory of our generation with more firm ideals and beliefs, more pure political character, more high spirit of struggle, and more full passion for struggle. " Lin Zhenyi talked about it.

From 2020 to 2035, on the basis of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we will strive for another 15 years to basically realize socialist modernization; from 2035 to the middle of this century, on the basis of basically realizing modernization, we will strive for another 15 years to build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modernization power - the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has written a blueprint for development.

"All Chinese Communists! The Central Committee of the Party calls on you to keep in mind your original mission, strengthen your ideals and beliefs, practice the purpose of the Party, always maintain flesh and blood ties with the people, always want to work together with the people, share weal and woe, continue to make unremitting efforts to realize the people's aspiration for a better life, and strive for greater glory for the Party and the people!" General Secretary Xi Jinping made a resounding call for progress in the new era.

(Editor in charge: Any Lin, Deng Zhihui)
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