Twentieth Congress, Micro observation

Beauty! "Three Unprecedented" Witness that Castle Peak will never fail

People's Daily Online reporter Zeng Fan

22:43, October 21, 2022     Source: People's Daily Online - CPC News Network    

"The Yunnan Wild Elephant Tour Group made a tour to the north, the 'Smiling Angel' Yangtze finless porpoise frequently appeared, the Tibetan antelope multiplied and migrated, and the indigenous fish such as the bittern in Baiyangdian Lake gradually recovered, and China's biodiversity conservation has achieved solid results."

On October 21, the fifth press conference was held at the News Center of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which was introduced by Zhai Qing, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

The journey is long and the road is like a stone. Zhai Qing mentioned that in the past decade, China's ecological civilization construction and ecological environment protection have undergone historic, turning and overall changes. These changes are reflected in the "three unprecedented": unprecedented determination, unprecedented strength, and unprecedented results.

"Bring 'beautiful China' into the goal of building a modern socialist power, bring 'ecological civilization construction' into the overall layout of 'Five in One', and bring 'harmonious coexistence between man and nature' into the basic strategy of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era..." Over the past decade, "building a beautiful China with harmonious coexistence between man and nature" has become a consensus. In the grand ecological narrative, too many Chinese stories are worth telling.

——Leading "Beautiful China" with the Light of Thought

"Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization is a comprehensive, logical, rich and profound scientific system." When talking about the great significance of Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, Zhai Qing mentioned that its original contributions are mainly reflected in "deepening and innovating our party's theoretical achievements on ecological civilization, and raising our party's understanding of ecological civilization to a new height." "Inherited and innovated the Marxist view of nature and ecology, and realized the Marxist thought of the relationship between man and nature to keep pace with the times" "absorbed and developed the excellent traditional ecological culture of China, so that the philosophy of" harmony between man and nature "and" following the law of nature "will radiate new vitality and vigor in contemporary China in the twenty-first century" "Expanding and surpassing the experience and achievements of global sustainable development is an important content and achievement of the Chinese style modernization path and the new form of human civilization".

Zhai Qing said that in the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will, in accordance with the deployment of the CPC Central Committee, continue to deepen the research, publicity and interpretation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, and promote Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought to further penetrate the people's hearts and go global.

——Escort "Beautiful China" with the power of system

Under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, the rule of law construction of China's ecological environment has achieved remarkable results.

Faced with the reporter's question about "the reform of the ecological environment system", Zhai Qing said, "China's ecological civilization 'four beams and eight pillars' system has basically taken shape. Ecological civilization has been written into the Party Constitution and the Constitution. 25 laws related to ecological environment covering air, water, soil, solid waste, noise pollution prevention, Yangtze River, wetland protection and other fields have been formulated and revised. The Central Committee issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization." Two very important documents, the Overall Plan for the Reform of the Ecological Civilization System, have established a series of innovative systems. "

——Safeguarding "Beautiful China" with the Effect of Supervision

Over the years, in the face of some events that damage the ecological environment, China has always adhered to the strict tone and problem orientation as the lifeline of supervision, and faced the problems directly.

"Two rounds of supervision have accepted 287000 reports of environmental problems from the masses, 286000 of which have been completed or phased" "The overall completion rate of 3294 tasks specified in the first round of supervision and rectification plan is nearly 96%, and 1227 tasks specified in the first three rounds of rectification plan in the second round have been completed nearly 60%"... The data mentioned at the meeting fully shows that in recent years, China has made remarkable achievements in the supervision of ecological environment protection.

——Promote "Beautiful China" with the hope of the masses

A good ecological environment is the most inclusive livelihood.

"In 2021, the average concentration of PM2.5 in cities above prefecture level in China will decrease by 34.8% compared with that in 2015, and the ratio of days with good air quality will reach 87.5%" "The number of more than 300 rare and endangered wild animals and plants in the wild will be restored and increased" "In 2021, the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP in China will decrease by 34.4% compared with that in 2012", Zhai Qing introduced China's solid achievements in "tackling key problems in pollution prevention and control in depth", "ecosystem protection and repair" and "green circular low-carbon development".

In the process of promoting the construction of ecological civilization, the green landscape continues to expand, the urban and rural environment is more livable, and the beautiful scenery of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature" is vividly displayed.

——Contribute Chinese wisdom to building a "beautiful home"

We have never been absent from building a beautiful China to jointly build a beautiful earth home.

"As the largest developing country in the world, China will achieve the highest carbon emission intensity reduction in the world and achieve carbon neutrality in the shortest time in global history" "adhere to multilateralism, adhere to the principle of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and actively promote the signing, entry into force and implementation of the Paris Agreement" "Actively carry out South South cooperation with developing countries to address climate change"... At the meeting, Zhai Qing talked about China's positive contribution to global climate governance.

China's achievements in ecological environment protection have been widely recognized by the international community and become an important participant, contributor and leader in the construction of global ecological civilization.

Man can live up to Castle Peak, and Castle Peak will live up to him. We have anchored the goal of building a beautiful China, building a beautiful China with "green mountains, green water and fresh air", realizing the modernization of harmonious coexistence between human and nature, and the beautiful mountains and rivers will be more magnificent.

(Editor in charge: Wang Zifeng, Xiao Jinbo)