Continue to strive with innovation and hard work (on-site review)

Guo Yue

06:28, October 21, 2022     Source: People's Daily    

In recent days, the News Center of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a number of group interviews. The spokesperson of the delegation introduced and discussed the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), responded to people's concerns and conveyed confidence in development. What is impressive is "hard work" and "confidence". We continue to strive with innovation and hard work, and have confidence in future development.

In the collective interviews, full and accurate development data, practical people's livelihood facts, and specific reform measures show the great achievements of the new era in the decade. The grain output of Heilongjiang has exceeded 150 billion jin for four consecutive years; More than 1000 cultural and tourism projects in the Yangtze River Delta can use "one card"; The total asset scale of central enterprises has increased to more than nine times that of the SASAC when it was established in 2003... It is precisely the concerted efforts and hard work of various departments around the country that have achieved the grand atmosphere of China's upward momentum in the new era.

Great cause starts with dreams, is based on innovation, and is achieved through hard work. At the collective interview site, the delegation's spokesmen spoke sincerely, expressing the feelings and aspirations of the delegates, and made a commitment to carry forward the past and open up the future, and continue to strive: "Common prosperity is a common problem, which cannot be achieved overnight. We should work hard for a long time and make solid progress", "ensure that every inch of land is clearly planned, and steadily promote construction", It reflects the courage to face problems without taking refuge; "Shouldering the mission of exploring the way for national development", "working hard on accelerating the construction of the whole process innovation ecological chain", showing the confidence of daring to start a new situation for people

Only through hard work can we achieve our dreams, and only through hard work can we win the future. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China issued a mobilization order to work together to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way. If the majority of Party members and cadres and hundreds of millions of people want to work together, they will surely be able to rally the great strength of unity and struggle, take a new road to the exam with innovation and hard work, and turn the grand blueprint of the Party's twenty major plans into reality.

People's Daily (October 21, 2022, version 09)

(Editor in charge: Bai Yu, Cao Kun)