Last revised: February 1, 2017

Acceptance of the Terms of Use

These Terms of Use are signed by you and MoneyGram Payment Services, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company" or "us"). The following terms and any documents incorporated by reference (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Terms of Use") stipulate your access to and use of as a visitor or registered user through online or mobile means including mobile applications, including any content provided on the website or through the domain name, subdomain name or subdirectory Access and use of functions and services (hereinafter referred to as "our website").
Please read the Terms of Use carefully before using our website. By using this website, you accept and agree to abide by the Terms of Use and our privacy statement. The Terms of Use and Privacy Statement can be found on the home pages of our website and incorporated by reference into the Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use or the Privacy Statement, you may not visit or use our website.
Our website is accessible and used by users aged 18 and above or who have reached the legal age of majority in their country or region of residence. By using our website, you declare and guarantee that you have reached the legal age of majority, can enter into a contract with our company and meet all the above qualification requirements. If you do not meet these requirements, you may not visit or use our website.

Changes to the Terms of Use

We have the right to unilaterally revise and update the Terms of Use at any time. All changes take effect as soon as they are released and apply to all subsequent visits and uses of our website. By continuing to use our website after the release of the revised Terms of Use, you accept and agree to these changes. In view of the binding force of such changes on you, it is recommended that you check this page from time to time to understand the contents of the changes.

Access to our website and account security

We reserve the right to unilaterally revoke or revise our website and any services or content provided on the website without notice. We will not be responsible for the total or partial unavailability of our website for any reason at any point in time or for any period of time. We may restrict users (including registered users) from accessing some or all of our website at any time. You are responsible for all the arrangements necessary to access our website.
In order to access our website or some resources provided on the website, you may need to provide some registration information or other information. You should ensure the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information you provide on our website before you can use our website. You agree that all information you provide to us through our website or other means (including but not limited to the use of any interactive function on our website) complies with our privacy statement, and you agree that all our processing of your information complies with our privacy statement.
If you choose or are assigned a user name, password or any other information in the security steps, you must keep such information confidential and not disclose it to any other person or entity. You also agree that your account belongs to you personally, and you will not allow any other person to access our website or part of it through your user name, password or other account security information. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized access or use of your user name or password or any other violation of account security. You agree to ensure that you exit your account at the end of each session. You should be very careful when logging in to your account on a public computer or a shared computer to prevent others from viewing or recording your password or other personal information.

intellectual property right

Our website and all its contents, features and functions (including but not limited to all information, software, text, display, images, video and audio, design, selection and arrangement) are owned by our company and its licensors or other suppliers of such content, and are subject to U.S. and international copyright law, trademark law, patent law Legal protection of trade secrets and other intellectual property rights or ownership.
The Terms of Use allow you to use our website only for your personal use. You may not copy, distribute, modify, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or disseminate any content on our website, nor create derivative works of such content, except for the following circumstances:

  • When you access and view the content, you can temporarily store a copy of the content in your computer's RAM (random access memory).
  • You can store files that your web browser automatically caches to improve display performance.
  • You can print or download one copy of each reasonable number of pages on our website, but it is only for your personal use and cannot be further copied, published or distributed.
  • If we provide desktop programs, mobile programs or other applications for download, you can download a copy to your computer or mobile device, but only for your personal use, and you agree to abide by our end-user license agreement for such applications.
  • If we provide social media functions with specific content, you can perform the operations allowed by these functions.

You must not:

  • Change copies of any content on our website.
  • Use any illustration, photo, video or audio clip or any graphic without the corresponding text.
  • Delete or change any copyright, trademark or other proprietary statement on the copy of our website content.

If your printing, copying, changing, downloading or other use of any part of our website violates the Terms of Use, or if you allow any other person to access any part of our website violates the Terms of Use, your right to use our website will be terminated immediately, And you must return or destroy all copies of the content you have copied according to our requirements. No rights or interests included in or related to our website or any content on the website have been transferred to you, and all rights not expressly granted belong to our company. Any use of our website without explicit permission is a violation of the Terms of Use and may violate the copyright law, trademark law and other laws.


MONEYGRAM's name, logo, global design and related trademarks, trade names, service marks and other trade marks owned by the Company are registered or unregistered in the United States and other countries/regions, and shall not be used without the prior written consent of the Company. Other trademarks, service marks or trade marks quoted on our website are owned by third parties for identification purposes only.

Prohibited use

You can only use our website for legitimate purposes and abide by the Terms of Use. You unconditionally agree that your use of our website:

  • It will not violate any applicable federal, state, local or international laws or regulations (including but not limited to any laws relating to the import and export of data or software in the United States or any other country/region).
  • Do not use or harm or attempt to use or harm minors by showing them inappropriate content or asking them for personal identity information or other information in any way.
  • It is not allowed to disseminate or send any advertising or promotional content, including any "mail promotional materials", "serial letters", "spam" or any other similar information.
  • It is not allowed to impersonate or attempt to impersonate the Company, its employees, other users or any other individual or entity (including but not limited to impersonating by using the email address or display name related to the above individuals or entities).
  • Do not participate in any other behavior that restricts or prohibits anyone from using or enjoying our website, or any behavior that we believe may damage our company or users of our website or cause our company or users of our website to assume responsibility.

You agree unconditionally:

  • The use of our website will not in any way disable, damage or endanger our website or exceed the load of our website, nor will it interfere with the use of our website by any other party, including their ability to participate in real-time activities through our website.
  • Do not use any robot, spider program or other automatic equipment, process or method to visit our website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any content on our website.
  • Do not use any manual process to monitor or copy any content on our website, or use it for any other unauthorized purpose without our prior written consent.
  • Do not use any device, software or path to interfere with the normal operation of our website.
  • No viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other malicious, technically destructive or harmful content will be introduced.
  • Do not attempt to access, interfere with, damage or interrupt any part of our website, the server used to store the website or any server, computer or database connected to our website without authorization.
  • Do not attack our website through denial of service attacks or decentralized denial of service attacks.
  • Do not conduct other behaviors that interfere with the normal operation of our website.

User contribution

Our website may provide chat or messaging applications, social media, forums, bulletin boards and other interactive functions (collectively referred to as "interactive services"), which allow users to publish, submit, publish and display content on or through our website (collectively referred to as "public user contributions") Or transfer such content to other users or individuals (hereinafter referred to as "publishing"). Our website may also provide, accept and use personal content information (including but not limited to ID cards, driver's licenses, passports or other identification cards and the contents contained in such cards) and user evaluation applications/analysis (collectively referred to as "non-public user contributions"). Users can submit such information to the Company in order to facilitate the transaction and improve the service. Public user contributions and non-public user contributions are collectively referred to as "user contributions"
Any public user contributions you publish to our website will be regarded as non confidential and non exclusive user contributions. By providing any public user contribution to our website, you grant us and our affiliates, agents and service providers and their and our respective licensees, successors and creditors the right to use, copy, change, execute, display The right to distribute and otherwise disclose any such content to third parties for any purpose/according to your account settings.
You represent and warrant that:

  • You own or control all rights in your public user contributions, and have the right to authorize the above granted licenses to us, our affiliates, agents and service providers, as well as their and our respective licensees, successors and creditors.
  • All your user contributions are and will be in compliance with these Terms of Use.

You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for any user contributions you submit, and you (not our company) are solely responsible for such content (including its legality, reliability, accuracy and appropriateness).
We are not responsible to any third party for the content or accuracy of any user contribution published by you or any other user of our website.
We have the right to:

  • Delete or reject the publication of any public user contribution without reason or for any reason.
  • Unilaterally take necessary or appropriate measures for any user contribution, including if we believe that such user contribution violates the Terms of Use (including content standards), infringes any intellectual property rights or other rights of any individual or entity, or threatens website users or the public

Human safety may cause the company to take responsibility.

  • Disclose your identity information or other information to any third party who claims that the content you publish violates its rights, including intellectual property rights or privacy rights.
  • Take appropriate legal measures, including but not limited to taking legal action against suspected illegal or unauthorized use of our website.
  • Terminate or suspend your access to all or part of our website for no reason or for any reason (including violation of the Terms of Use).
  • Disable any user name, password or other identification information you choose or provided by us at any time for no reason or for any reason (including any provision of the Terms of Use that we believe you have violated).

Without prejudice to the above provisions, we have the right to fully cooperate with any law enforcement agency or court order to disclose the identity or other information of any person who publishes any content on or through our website. You will protect the Company and its affiliates, agents, licensees and service providers from any claims they face in the process of investigation or any litigation brought due to the investigation, and from any litigation brought due to the investigation of such related parties or law enforcement agencies.
We cannot review all content published on our website in advance, nor can we ensure that objectionable content will be deleted immediately after such content is published. Therefore, we are not responsible for any act or omission related to the transmission, communication or content provided by any user or third party. We will not be responsible to anyone for the performance or non performance of the activities described in this section.

Content standards

The following content standards are applicable to all public user contributions and the use of interactive services, and possibly all non-public user contributions. User contributions must fully comply with all applicable federal, state, local and international laws and regulations. Without prejudice to the above provisions, users contribute:

  • It shall not contain any defamatory, obscene, immoral, insulting, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory or other objectionable content.
  • Do not promote any pornographic or pornographic content, violence or racial discrimination, gender discrimination, religious discrimination, national discrimination, discrimination against the disabled, sexual orientation discrimination or age discrimination.
  • It shall not infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual property rights or other rights of any other person.
  • It shall not violate any legal rights of others (including the right of image and privacy), nor contain any content that may lead to any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or may violate the Terms of Use and our privacy statement.
  • It shall not be used to deceive anyone.
  • They shall not publicize any illegal activity or advocate, publicize or assist any illegal act.
  • Do not cause interference, inconvenience or unnecessary anxiety to any other person, or may cause anxiety or embarrassment to any other person, or warn or interfere with any other person.
  • You shall not impersonate any person or tamper with your identity or association with any person or organization.
  • Do not participate in commercial activities or sales, such as contests, lotteries and other sales promotions, physical transactions or advertisements.
  • If the user contribution is not actually published or sponsored by us or any other person or entity, it should not create the impression.

Reliance on released information

The information displayed on or through our website is for general information only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of such information. You will rely on such information at your own risk. We will not assume any responsibility arising from such content of any other visitors who trust you or our website or any person who may be informed of such content.
Our website may include content provided by third parties, including content provided by other users, bloggers and third-party licensors, syndication organizations, information collection business organizations and/or reporting services. The statements made and/or views expressed in such content, all articles, answers to questions and other content (except the content provided by the Company) belong to the personal opinions and responsibilities of the individuals or entities providing such content. Such content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Company. We will not be responsible to you or any third party for any content provided by any third party and its accuracy.

Changes in content and functional differences of our website

We may update the content on our website at any time, but such content may not be complete or up-to-date. At the same time, the functions of our website (including but not limited to the way you access and use our website, such as online or mobile or mobile applications) may vary according to the way you access or use our website. Any content on our website may expire at any time, and we do not assume the obligation to update such content.

Information about you and your visit to our website

Our collection of information on our website complies with our privacy statement. This statement can be found on the home pages of our website. By using our website, you agree that we will deal with your information in accordance with the privacy statement.

Transaction Terms

All transactions conducted through our website or other service transactions conducted through our website or arising from your visit to our website shall comply with the relevant terms applicable to your specific transactions, which are incorporated by reference into the Terms of Use.

Links to our website and social media functions

You can link to our homepage, but your link must be reasonable and legal, and must not damage our reputation or make use of our reputation. Without our express written consent, you cannot create any form of association, approval or endorsement on our behalf.
Our website may provide certain social media functions, so you can take this opportunity to:

  • Links to specific content on our website from your own or specific third-party websites.
  • Send emails or other communications with specific content on our website, or link to specific content.
  • Display or similar display of a certain proportion of content on our website on your own or specific third-party websites.

You can only use these functions provided by us, and only use these functions for the content related to display, and comply with any other terms provided by us regarding these functions. In accordance with the above, you:

  • You cannot create links from any website that does not belong to you.
  • It is not allowed to display or similar to display our website or part of our website on any other website through framing, deep link or embedded link.
  • Do not link to any part of our website other than the home page.
  • The content of our website shall not be handled in any way in violation of any other provisions of the Terms of Use.

You agree to cooperate with us to immediately stop unauthorized framing or linking. We reserve the right to revoke the link permission without further notice.
We can unilaterally disable all or any social media functions and any links at any time without notice.

Links on our website

Our website contains links to other websites and resources. These websites and resources are provided by a third party for your convenience only. This includes links included in advertisements, including banner advertisements and sponsor links. We cannot control the content of such websites or resources, so we will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by such websites or resources or your use of such websites or resources. If you decide to visit any third-party website linked to our website, you will bear the risk and be responsible for complying with the terms of use of such website.


You understand that we cannot and do not promise that the files that can be downloaded from the Internet or our website do not contain viruses or other destructive code. You are responsible for setting sufficient programs and checkpoints to meet your specific anti-virus protection requirements, ensure the accuracy of your data input and output, and ensure that the method of reconstructing any lost data is reserved outside our website. You are subject to distributed denial of service attacks, viruses or other technically destructive or harmful content that may affect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other private content due to the use of our website or any services or goods obtained through this website or the downloading of any published content from our website or any website linked to our website, We will not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
You bear the risk of using our website and its contents, as well as any services or goods obtained through our website. Our website and its contents, as well as any services or goods obtained through our website, are provided according to the "status quo" and "availability", and we do not make any express or implied warranty. The company and any individual related to the company have not made any guarantee or statement on the integrity, security, reliability, quality, accuracy or usability of our website. Without prejudice to the above provisions, neither the Company nor any individual associated with the Company has made any warranty or statement on the accuracy, reliability, error free or uninterrupted of our website and its contents or any services or goods obtained through our website. Neither the Company nor any individual associated with the Company guarantees or declares that the defects will be corrected, our website or services provided will not contain viruses or other destructive or harmful components, or our website or any services or goods obtained through our website will meet your needs or expectations.
The Company does not undertake any type of express or implied statutory or other warranties, including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability, non infringement and fitness for a particular purpose.
The above provisions shall not affect other warranties that shall not be excluded or restricted by applicable laws.

Limitation of liability

At any time, the Company and its affiliates, agents or their licensors, service providers, employees, agents, officers or directors will not assume any responsibility for your use or failure to use our website, any website linked to our website Any type of direct, indirect, special, incidental, subordinate or punitive compensation under any legal theory arising from or related to any content on our website or such other website or any service or article obtained through our website or such other website, including but not limited to loss of profits, business losses, expected savings losses Loss of use value, reputation loss, data loss, infringement loss (including negligence), breach of contract or other losses, even if such losses are foreseeable.
The above provisions shall not affect other liabilities that shall not be excluded or limited by applicable laws.


You agree to protect the Company and its affiliates, agents, licensors and service providers as well as their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, successors and creditors from being liable for your violation of the Terms of Use Or any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, judgments, losses, costs Expenses or expenses (including reasonable attorney fees).

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

To the extent permitted by applicable laws, all matters relating to our website and these Terms of Use, as well as any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with them (including non contractual disputes or claims, as the case may be), will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, Except in case of conflict of laws and regulations (Texas or any other jurisdiction).
Any legal claim, lawsuit or procedure arising from or related to these Terms of Use or our website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States federal court or the court of Texas, and Dallas City or Dallas County shall be selected as the case may be. You waive all rights against the jurisdiction of such courts over you and the location of the courts.

Waiver and Severability

The Company's waiver of any clause in the Terms of Use shall not be deemed as a waiver of such clause or any other clause in the future; The failure of the Company to assert any right or provision under the Terms of Use shall not be deemed as a waiver of such right or provision.
If any provision of the Terms of Use is ruled invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court or other court with legal jurisdiction for any reason, such provision will be deleted or restricted, and other provisions of the Terms of Use will continue to be fully effective.

Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use constitute the only complete agreement between you and MoneyGram on our website, and supersede all previous and current written and oral understandings, agreements, statements and guarantees on our website.

Your comments and suggestions

Our website is operated by MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc., 2828 N. Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201. For any feedback, comments, technical support applications and other communications on our website, please send them to us according to the instructions on each homepage of our website.