Privacy Policy

Globegroup respects and protects the privacy of users who use Globegroup. "Privacy" refers to the personal identity information provided to Globegroup by the user when registering to use the service of Globegroup, including the user information such as the name, valid personal identity card number, contact information, home address, etc. in the user's registration data. In order to provide users with more timely, accurate, convenient and personalized services, Globegroup will use and disclose user information in accordance with this privacy protection policy. At the same time, Globegroup will treat user information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. This privacy protection policy is an integral part of the Global Network User Service Agreement. Please read the following privacy protection policy carefully before using the services provided by Global Network.

User information

Global Network provides users with absolute control over personal registration information. All information provided by users during registration is voluntary, and users have the right to refuse to provide such information at any time. Users can view or modify personal information through Modify Personal Information.

User information security

Globegroup will strictly manage and protect the information provided by users. Globegroup will fully protect the security of users' personal information through technical means, providing privacy protection services, strengthening internal management and other methods. At the same time, the Global Network will ensure that user information is not lost, abused or altered as much as possible through security measures such as backup to other servers and encryption of user passwords. Despite the aforementioned security measures, users must be reminded that there are no "perfect security measures" on the information network.

User information disclosure

Globegroup guarantees that it will not disclose or provide the personal information registered by the user to a third party, including the non-public content stored by the user when using the service, except for the following circumstances:

According to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations;

According to the requirements of relevant government authorities;

Safeguard the safety of individuals and the public;

The need to safeguard social public interests;

Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of this website;

Obtain clear authorization from users in advance;

Comply with other relevant requirements;

Use of Cookies Technology

1. Cookies refers to a technology. When a user visits the World Wide Web with a cookie device, the server of the World Wide Web will automatically send cookies to the user's browser and store them in the user's computer hard disk. This cookie is responsible for recording the user's various activities, personal data, browsing habits, consumption habits, etc. when visiting the World Wide Web in the future.

2. By using cookies technology, the World Wide Web can provide users with more detailed personalized services. The World Wide Web will use cookies to track your reading preferences, so as to provide users with interesting information or save passwords, so that users do not have to re-enter passwords every time they visit the World Wide Web.

Global Network may modify our privacy protection policy from time to time, and these modifications will be reflected in this policy. Any modification will put user satisfaction and the legitimacy of the policy in an important position. Globegroup encourages users to consult our privacy protection policy every time they visit the website of Globegroup. If you have any comments or suggestions on the privacy protection policy of Globegroup, please contact the customer service department of Globegroup directly by phone, fax or email.