Clothing store site selection

How important is clothing store location? I believe that many entrepreneurs who open clothing stores can realize that it can be illustrated by an actual case. Miss Li, who runs a clothing store, has two identical clothing stores in Fuzhou, but the difference is more than 1000 meters. The average daily sales are more than 6000 yuan, and the other is less than 2000 yuan. The sales are three times less, but the rent is twice as high.

It can be seen that an appropriate clothing store address can not only save a lot of store opening costs, but also improve sales. So, what should we pay attention to when choosing the location of clothing stores? Are there any specific reference standards? I believe these are topics that every novice will care about when opening a store. If you read carefully here, you will find many successful experience in selecting clothing stores. We hope that the site selection information collected by Huayi can help you.

Women's clothing store site selection

Location selection of men's clothing store

Location of underwear store

Location of children's clothing store

Special topic of clothing store location

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