Clothing store purchase

In life, we can often see such a situation. The clothing stores with the same location and investment have a large sales gap. What is the reason? has done a survey. Under the same environment, more than 80% of consumers believe that the goods affect their consumption, that is, the purchase mix of operators.

Consumers' aesthetic demand for clothes exceeds that of any FMCG products. Even the cheapest clothes will want to try them on, so beautiful and generous clothes are more popular. Purchasing needs to fully consider the needs of the main consumers, the level of local consumers, the structure of goods and the proportion of profits. How to achieve the coordination and unification of these aspects is a lesson for clothing store operators. In addition to timely understanding the needs of consumers, you also need to master the latest clothing market information.

Women's wear shop purchase

Men's wear shop purchase

Underwear store purchase

Children's clothing store purchase

Special topic of clothing store purchase

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  • The purchasing skills of men's clothing stores and how to purchase

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  • Buying skills of women's clothing stores and how to purchase

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  • Buying skills of clothing stores, how to open clothing stores

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