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Sina netizens 2008-10-08 09:05:47

The question about Fu Xinbo r n hasn't been solved at all. r n His blog has been like that for almost a month now. r n My blog can increase the number of visits every time it is refreshed when it is opened. r n But I have spent more than ten times to increase the number of visits for Fu Xinbo. r n It's also unreasonable. r n We call you like this all day long. r n Won't you solve it \R n Just perfunctory all day long r n

Sina BLOG serves you:


The first time you visit a blog, you will increase the number of visitors to the blog.
Please do not use common sense to maliciously swipe blog visits, so as to avoid your blog being closed.

Sina blog help page:
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Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-27 16:13:51

Hello administrator, please review Lin Mengfei's application for blog upgrade thank you.

Sina BLOG serves you:

At present, all blogs are upgraded versions, and no separate application is required.
If you want to beautify your blog, you can refer to the template provided by netizens in Xuanbo:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-27 15:22:34

I want to move the content of Soarc blog to Sina. How?

Sina BLOG serves you:

Please refer to the moving function:
Here are detailed explanations and instructions.

Sina blog help page:
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Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-18 12:33:39

Why is the text capacity of Sina blog so small? My blog article with less than 1000 words can not be published. It shows that the number of words in the body exceeds the maximum. Why is this?

Sina BLOG serves you:

This is mainly because the article you copied contains a lot of code.
Here are detailed descriptions and solutions:

Sina blog help page:
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Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-05 10:07:10

Hello! \R n Why can't I find the information in the draft box after upgrading the old blog/

Sina BLOG serves you:


You need to log in to your blog first, and then click "Blog" in your blog navigation to manage your blog posts.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-05 09:45:55

I want to change the blog address How?

Sina BLOG serves you:


Sorry, once the blog address is applied, it cannot be modified.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-05 08:17:32

How to move the blog in Sohu to Sina?

Sina BLOG serves you:


Please refer to the moving function:
Here are detailed explanations and instructions.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-04 16:47:16

My blog background music doesn't work, what should I do?

Sina BLOG serves you:

Your music uses links from other websites, and the download speed is relatively slow. It is recommended that you change a link.

Sina blog help page:
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Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-04 15:57:17

Apply for upgrade

Sina BLOG serves you:

At present, all blogs are upgraded versions, and no separate application is required.
If you want to beautify your blog, you can refer to the template provided by netizens in Xuanbo:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-04 15:21:46

Sina blog is not compatible with Google browser in some places, but now it is found that inserting images is useless.

Sina BLOG serves you:


Thank you for your advice. We will seriously consider your suggestions in order to provide you with better free services.
Sina blog's tomorrow is beautiful because of you.
Thank you for your long-term attention to us.

Sina blog help page:
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Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-04 14:49:05

The blog is limited to 20000 words. In Word, there are more than 10000 words including spaces, but r n r nYes, I paste them into my blog, but I say the number of words exceeds the limit. I don't know why. How to solve it.

Sina BLOG serves you:


It may be that the content you copied contains a lot of code.
It is recommended that you first copy your article to the new text document. txt, and then copy the content of the new text document. txt to your blog.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-04 11:28:03

How to move the content of my other blogs here

Sina BLOG serves you:


Please refer to the moving function:
Here are detailed explanations and instructions.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-09-03 23:38:48

Can the old blog be upgraded now? I accidentally upgraded my blog from the message box that day, but after changing the personalized domain name, the new blog was empty, and the old blog posts went to the new blog. And from the old blog management blog, click in to the new blog page. How to solve this problem?

Sina BLOG serves you:

The personalized domain name cannot be changed once it is registered.
Your old blog has not been upgraded. Now you have re registered a new blog.
Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-08-28 16:46:13

Sina Blog was good at first, but I had to follow the trend to get some components such as competing for parking space and buying and selling friends. Now it feels like the whole thing is in chaos. The purpose of adding friends is no longer to pay homage to each other, but to become a pure game. This state is terrible and boring. I don't know if Sina has done relevant investigation and has gone to get some external things that do not belong to the environment of blog. I try to ask Sina blog! What is your position on earth? I really hope Sina blog is just a pure blog zone. If Sina Blog is really popular and exists on the Internet for those who are competing for parking spaces or buying and selling friends, I think I can give myself time to find a better spiritual distribution center.

Sina BLOG serves you:

Thank you for your feedback. In order to prevent what you said, these contents are limited to everyone's space at present.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-08-28 16:36:44

How can blogs be upgraded?

Sina BLOG serves you:

At present, all blogs are upgraded versions, and no separate application is required.
If you want to beautify your blog, you can refer to the template provided by netizens in Xuanbo:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-08-26 18:10:56

Can you display only the title of the blog on the blog homepage? If so, what can I do?

Sina BLOG serves you:

Click "Blog" on the blog to see the page that only shows the title of the blog.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-08-26 18:07:24

Where is the friendship link? Can't you find it?

Sina BLOG serves you:

This function is in your Module option. You need to log in to your blog before using it.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-08-26 17:35:49

In the new version of blog, the blogger can set friends to see the message board and messages. Why can't the blogger's friends leave messages? How can I leave a message? thank you

Sina BLOG serves you:

If you are a friend of the blogger, you need to log in your own blog before leaving a message to the blogger.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-08-26 12:46:46

After upgrading, the draft box cannot be found. How can I retrieve it?

Sina BLOG serves you:


You need to log in to your blog first, and then click "Blog" in your blog navigation to manage your blog posts.

Sina blog help page:
More blog templates:
Thank you for your support.

Sina netizens 2008-08-26 09:50:41

It would be great if we could move all the content from other blogs to Sina blog. It would be too troublesome to move one by one.

Sina BLOG serves you:

Please refer to the moving function:
Here are detailed explanations and instructions.
Thank you for your support.

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anonymous Login name: password: Verification Code: Pattern:
·After the message is submitted successfully, why can't you find your own message record on the page immediately?
-Our editors will review and answer your questions. After the answer is completed, the message and reply will appear on this page together;
-For some general questions raised by users, we will put them and answers at the top. You will find the answer in the message board ceiling area;
·After the editor replies to the question, how can I find the editor's reply as soon as possible?
-You can enter your BLOG user name, password and verification code to leave a message as a BLOG login. In this way, our editors will reply to the message with
Send it to the "Latest Message" in your personal blog by "whisper". You just need to check the "Latest Message";)
Tips : You can also leave messages anonymously. Check "Anonymous" and enter "Verification Code" to publish.