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Set up a "Family Style Ruler" in your heart

Zhao Bing
2018-09-04 10:08:00 Source: People's Daily

The ruler was used in ancient times to remind people to understand the rules and obey the etiquette. Now, for young cadres, they should have a ruler of Party discipline and national laws, and also a ruler of family style.

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has attached great importance to the inheritance of family customs. Many family customs have been inherited for a hundred years with family rules and family instructions, such as Confucius Family Sayings, Yan Family Instructions and other family instructions. For young cadres, these family instructions are still sonorous and impressive.

We Communists, especially the older generation of revolutionaries, can set an example for the world in cultivating a good family style. With three letters like this, we can see that we have worked hard:

Deng Yingchao wrote a letter to his nephew, saying: "I am very excited to know that you have joined the Communist Party... You must pay attention to the close contact with the masses, care for the masses, and learn from the masses, so that you can better serve the people." Kaifeng wrote in his letter to his daughter and son-in-law: "We should continue to study and improve our political culture in our work... We should always be honest and law-abiding. I am in good health. Don't read it! Wish you well." Leng Shaonong wrote in his letter to his son: "My love for you is to hope that you will be able to solve all the problems that cannot be solved for the ordinary working people in the future... Cang Er! The new light of society is shining on you, and I hope you can make rapid progress!" These three letters were written at different times, some in the revolutionary war era, and some in the new China construction period, The letter is full of love for the younger generation, full of earnest instructions and ardent expectations for the younger generation, reminding them to "serve the people", "be honest and law-abiding", and "advance vigorously" to solve the suffering of the masses.

Most of the young cadres grew up in a stable environment. They went to work from the ivory tower, never experienced the baptism of war, and rarely experienced the test of big waves. The "family style ruler" drew a higher standard line far away from the "red line" of party discipline and national law.

Not long ago, the Supervision Committee of Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Zhang Jianhua, the former vice chairman of the Internal Affairs and Justice Committee of Shandong Provincial People's Congress, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and was currently subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Committee. To the public's great concern, Zhang Jianhua's "post-80s" son was "promoted by rockets" in violation of the regulations on the selection and appointment of party and government leading cadres. After being exposed by the media in 2015, his son was dismissed. The man and his deeds are in line with the saying "the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked", which makes people sigh. How can we cultivate good cadres with such family style?

From the corruption cases investigated and dealt with in recent years, the importance of family style is self-evident. Some officials who were arrested were caught in corruption and perverted the law, and their children acted accordingly. Su Rong's "power and money exchange" has led the whole family to the abyss of economic crime; Liu Tienan said that "I work in front of the stage and my son collects money behind the scenes". Both father and son are severely punished by the law... As an official and father, what is the inheritance of family customs?

"It is the fault of the father if he is not educated. It is not strict and the teacher is lazy." For young cadres, the initial enlightenment in life comes from the influence of family style. Only with a clean family style, can they more easily integrate good qualities such as integrity, vigor, honesty, trustworthiness, diligence and generosity into their blood. When they enter the Party's cadre team and take up the job of serving the people, the outlook on life and the sense of awe shaped by their family style are more likely to become their self-consciousness of action. At the critical moment of big right and big wrong, the ruler of family style will also help them to "measure" good and evil and urge them to make correct choices.

Young cadres must buckle the first button of their lives. The "discipline" of this button is not correct and tight, which lies in the cultivation of young cadres' Party spirit, strict organization and love, and the integrity of their family. While strictly abiding by the Party discipline and national law, there is a "family rule" to remind young cadres that they can be more stable and far sighted.

Edit: Zhang Weining

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