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How much invisible "IQ tax" has consumers paid for speculation?

Lin Lin, commentator of Workers Daily - China Industrial Network
2020-08-20 06:57:56 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

  What you buy at a high price is just ordinary goods, which is a kind of property loss for consumers, and it is similar to paying an invisible "IQ tax", which is an infringement of consumers' rights and interests; The market is full of merchants who play with these concepts, and they may gain huge profits because of their low cost and high selling price, and then expel those who use real materials and work hard with higher costs. This is a disorderly competition in which bad money expels good money; Those who are dishonest and opportunistic often succeed and even become rich, which is a challenge to social integrity.

According to the Beijing News on August 18, the official WeChat of the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau recently sent a message reminding that the real whole wheat bread has no wheat flour, and must be 100% whole wheat. The reporter investigated 13 bread products of 10 brands on the market and found that only 5 products met the standard of "real whole wheat" as described by the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, and 4 products were made with whole wheat flour as the main ingredient, while wheat flour was added, and the other 4 products were made with wheat flour as the main ingredient.

No matter what the content of whole wheat flour is, many bread packages are marked with "whole wheat bread", and consumers also buy it as "whole wheat bread". Few people really believe how much whole wheat flour is inside. At the same time, many consumers come from the concept of "satiety", "oil and sugar free", "fat reduction" and "health" of whole wheat bread. Now it seems that the "concept" is very beautiful and the reality is very cruel. At present, there is no "whole wheat bread" standard in China. There is an obvious difference between the so-called "whole wheat bread" with a little whole wheat flour and consumers' health awareness, fat reduction or nutritional needs.

With the improvement of people's living standards and health awareness, many people are pursuing a more healthy and scientific lifestyle. Accordingly, many foods, drinks and daily necessities that look and sound healthier emerge in endlessly, such as "alkaline water", "small molecule water", "native eggs", "strolling chicken", "organic vegetables", "green food" and "health paint". There is no doubt that once linked with the concepts of pure nature, pollution-free, high nutrition, and rich in ×× elements, these products will have a different value.

If these goods are worthy of the name and value for money, there is nothing wrong with them. The key is that, from the reality, consumers are still paying more for "concept". Although they pay higher purchase costs, what they get is "just so so". To put it bluntly, they are "unjust", It may also be ridiculed by businesses that "people are stupid and have more money".

It should be acknowledged that at present, many businesses are indeed developing and producing products and commodities with higher quality, nutritional value and high-tech content for people's consumption upgrading and better life. However, there are not a few of them who are simply fooling about their enthusiasm and concept of speculation. For example, in recent years, there have been many reports that the so-called "organic food" can be certified with money, and "selling dog meat with sheep's head"; The free range chickens, which are said to have "grown under acorn trees all their lives and only eat wild green fodder", are actually ordinary cage chickens; The so-called "native egg" is that businessmen add some colorants to the chicken feed to make the egg yellow look darker; "High end water" is not high end, "regulating human pH" and "oxygen supplement" are just gimmicks

The reason is that, for one thing, some products do not have uniform standards, and businesses take the opportunity to make their own decisions; Second, even if there are standards, many places are not well implemented and the supervision is not effective; Third, consumers often do not study deeply and lack channels to understand the truth.

What you buy at a high price is just ordinary goods, which is a kind of property loss for consumers, and it is similar to paying an invisible "IQ tax", which is an infringement of consumers' rights and interests; The market is full of these "play concept" merchants, and they may get huge profits because of low cost and high selling price, and then drive out those merchants who use real materials and work hard with higher costs. This is a disorderly competition in which bad money drives out good money; Those who are dishonest and opportunistic often succeed and even become rich, which is a challenge to social integrity.

In any case, "concept egg", "concept water", "concept bread" and all "packaging" behaviors that only sell "concepts" and have no real materials should be stopped and corrected in a timely manner. Relevant departments have the responsibility and obligation to distinguish between different situations, make efforts accurately and crack down on counterfeits, so that the people can live a better life with "genuine goods at reasonable prices".

Edit: Zhang Weining

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