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[Social review] Learn from mature experience and let social workers of trade unions exert greater energy

Worker's Daily - Chen Xiaoyan, a commentator on China Industrial Network
2019-12-19 07:09:59 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

According to the recent report of the Workers' Daily, the second session of skills competition and exchange activities for workers of the Shanghai Municipal Social Chemical Industry Association ended recently, and 10 outstanding social work teams of trade unions were finalists. The activity centered on "comparing work attitude, communication ability, work quality, professional ability, work innovation, handling ideas, work methods, personal quality, work efficiency, and service effect", forming a strong atmosphere of "comparing, learning, catching up, and surpassing" among the social workers of the trade union. This is an innovative measure taken by the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions to strengthen the construction of social work professionals and improve their performance level and service ability.

Trade union social workers are the product of trade union work breaking the administrative and internal circulation operation mode and developing into professionalism, mass and socialization. With the growing demand of workers for social services, trade unions are required to provide more professional social work services. In order to solve the shortage of labor unions in towns, streets and parks, trade union social workers - professionals who provide social services such as trade union formation, rights and interests protection, dispute mediation, difficult assistance, education guidance, humanistic care, career development, etc. to the majority of workers, came into being.

In recent years, trade unions at all levels have explored and recruited various forms of trade union social workers, such as workers of social chemical associations and full-time collective negotiation instructors, which have played an important role in social services for workers. The social worker team of trade unions has been growing and has become an indispensable force in the work of many local trade unions. But on the whole, this team still has some problems. For example, restricted by salary and welfare, career development space, work incentive mechanism and other factors, the professional attractiveness of social workers in trade unions is reduced, resulting in people being recruited but unable to stay; Some trade union social workers lack of training, lack of professionalism and service ability, etc.

In order for the social workers of trade unions to be able to recruit, stay and play a real role, some new perspectives and new methods are needed. First of all, make clear the position of this team. The social workers of the trade union are the specific implementers who undertake the work projects of the trade union to promote the relevant organization construction, the rights protection of workers, the service of workers, the quality project of workers and other work projects. Their jobs and work contents should be determined according to the service projects, so as to avoid too many and too complicated tasks undertaken by the social workers of the trade union, so as to give better play to the professional advantages of social workers. The Guangdong Trade Union concluded that the project system was adopted to purchase services from social organizations. The social workers of the trade union were specifically responsible for the implementation of the project, and the service performance was subject to the evaluation and supervision of the trade union. The effect was good.

Clarifying career development paths and expanding career promotion channels are effective means to retain trade union social workers and stimulate their work enthusiasm. Some experts suggested that trade union social worker professionals could be included in the evaluation system of social worker professionals, and social worker professionals who have obtained national professional qualification certificates for social worker level evaluation could be included in the management scope of professional technicians. The employment of professional and technical posts of trade union social workers should be linked with the national social workers' professional level evaluation system. Further unblock the access of trade union social workers to trade union organs at all levels through selection, and at the same time, establish a recognition and reward mechanism for trade union social workers. In short, let trade union social workers have a clear space for improvement and path of struggle in their work. Trade unions in some districts of Shanghai have established assessment and evaluation of "post allocation" for occupational grade management, or occupational grade and job promotion mechanism for social work professional grade of trade unions; The General Manager of Wuzhong City, Ningxia, broke through the personnel status restrictions and selected a group of trade union social workers with outstanding abilities to management posts. These practices are worth learning from.

Reasonable salary helps to enhance professional pride and is also an effective means to retain talents. All localities should further improve the construction of the salary system for social workers of trade unions, develop a reasonable assessment and incentive mechanism, and determine the salary based on the post, the performance, and the remuneration based on the work, so as to avoid the phenomenon of "good work and bad work are the same". Shanghai implements the third-party assessment of social workers. The assessment of social workers of Shandong Trade Union must be reported publicly. The Hebei Shijiazhuang High tech Zone Federation of Trade Unions determines the social workers' remuneration based on performance and other practices have achieved good results.

It is also necessary to improve the professional service level of trade union social workers. After employment, training should be carried out in a planned and layered manner to improve the level of relevant theories and working methods of their trade union work. The Shanghai Trade Union formulated the "Training Plan for Trade Union Workers" and held skill competition and exchange activities, which promoted the professional development of trade union social workers.

Taking meeting the social service needs of workers as the starting point and foothold of the construction of the professional talent team of social workers in the trade union, and testing the work results with employee satisfaction, all measures conducive to the full use of social workers in the trade union can be boldly tried.

Edit: Chi Yuyang

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