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How can we be brave when we fail in supervision?

Worker's Daily - Wu Di, commentator of China Industrial Network
2019-07-09 07:21:24 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

To a certain extent, the official business relationship of not being an official or even having sex with businessmen, the supervision of social chaos, and the indifferent attitude to public reporting are the most terrible hidden dangers in the fields of ecological environment, resource market, safety production, etc.

A few days ago, CCTV's Focus Interview exposed that Huanghua Pear in Wuzhishan City, Hainan Province had been cut down and deforested, pointing out that forest resource supervision was failing. In the program, the reporter was "tortured by the soul" of the head of the township forestry station: "How do I investigate? Why should I investigate? How is my responsibility? How do you know it is my responsibility?" When the reporter reported the situation to the Municipal Forest Public Security Bureau, he found that the purchaser who cut wild yellow pear was drinking with the deputy director of the bureau. At present, Hainan Province has set up an investigation team, and the director of the bureau who drinks with the purchaser has been suspended and put on file for investigation.

Compared with the prevarication of some local functional department staff, the words and deeds of several staff members in the above news can be described as "a simple and crude upgrade", which is more surprising - what age is it, and dare to do so? When the public officials responsible for supervision mentioned that there had been illegal logging for many years under their eyes, they did not blush, and their hearts did not jump. They took the attitude of "what matters to me", but they were "rightful" and arrogant when supervision failed. If it is not reported by authoritative media, the public may not believe that this is true.

Among them, it is possible that these people have always regarded chaos as "normal", and are used to scribbling complaints and reports without being careful to "smooth"; It may also be fearless - either someone will cover it or you can be confident that you can manage up and down and pass the test smoothly. The fundamental reason is that some public officials ignore the ecological environment and public interests, and "selectively ignore" their own responsibilities.

To a certain extent, the official business relationship of not being an official or even having sex with businessmen, the supervision of social chaos, and the indifferent attitude to public reporting are the most terrible hidden dangers in the fields of ecological environment, resource market, safety production, etc.

Take the pre article news as an example. On the one hand, people at the timber inspection station sleep, play cards and gamble, study lottery tickets, and the forest ranger turns a deaf ear to illegal logging. The deputy director of the Municipal Forest Public Security Bureau drinks with the purchaser. On the other hand, illegal businessmen have been cutting trees without certificates for many years, but the green light is all the way. If anyone says there is no relationship between them, the ghost will not believe it.

Every time a domestic scandal is exposed, the corresponding local instructions, investigations, accountability and reflection will follow. Of course, this attitude is worth affirming, but more importantly, how to put the emphasis and constraints after the event in front and forward? How to avoid the generation of adverse consequences and even the spread of problems?

In some fields, when hot money flows in and the market is full of uncertainties, and when heavy money buying becomes a hidden rule in some fields, it is undoubtedly a great test for regulators to be able to firm their ideals and beliefs, stick to their responsibilities, not be tempted, and guard the door of the rule of law for the people, and guard the door of fairness and justice. Take the forest police as an example. The law enforcement power in the hands of many local forest police officers has become the key "hunting" target of illegal businessmen. At this time, we really need to have more ways to prevent individual law enforcers from "planting" under the huge temptation of interests.

Rare tree species have been felled for a long time and in a large area without a certificate, and the local regulatory system has failed at every pass, which has exposed the dereliction of duty of local forest ecological supervision. Therefore, it is necessary for all regions to draw inferences from one instance to find out whether there is such phenomenon as illegal cutting of rare trees, hunting of rare animals, and tacit agreement between officials and businessmen to make a fortune? Is there a supervisor of the dead, even disguised as an "umbrella" for illegal businessmen? How to urge public officials to strictly perform their duties, protect rare resources and public interests, and maintain a clean social governance ecosystem?

Edit: Zhang Weining

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