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Understand the Tort Routines and Hazards Behind "Being Employed"

Worker's Daily - Guo Zhengang, a commentator on China Industrial Network
2019-01-25 07:29:02 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

The "being employed" of employees will bring many troubles to themselves and their families. The employment data, unemployment information and social security collection of government departments may be misleading, the loan review and credit card management of financial departments may be "lost", the tax information of tax departments may be distorted, and the construction and maintenance of social credit system may be questioned.

According to the report of the Workers' Daily on January 23, some workers recently found themselves "employed" by companies that did not hold positions in the "employment information" displayed on the "personal income tax" APP when they applied for income tax relief. Previously, similar cases of "being employed" have attracted people's attention repeatedly. The insiders pointed out that the "fake employment" of enterprises is intended to use false employment information to evade taxes, while exposing the loopholes in the protection and supervision of personal information in the employment market.

In fact, the problem of employees' "being employed" was repeatedly forced out by such measures as consolidated taxation of employees' salaries, pre tax deduction of individual income tax, clearing and merging of social security deposit accounts, etc.

Employees' "being employed" will bring many troubles to themselves and their families. For example, some employees become the legal representative of some illegal enterprises because they are "employed". They are not only on the "blacklist" of dishonesty, but also accused in court. Their life and work are disturbed; Some employees become invisible profit tools of some illegal employers because of "being employed", which leads to family members being unable to enjoy policies such as subsistence allowances, and also leads to the risk of individual social security payment, housing loan qualification, personal tax preference and other rights and interests.

The "employment" of employees is the "carbuncle" of society. Because of the phenomenon of employees being "employed", the employment data, unemployment information and social security collection of the government departments may be misled, the loan review and credit card management of the financial sector may be "lost", the tax information of the tax department may be distorted, and the construction and maintenance of the social credit system may be questioned, etc.

There are many reasons for employees to be "employed". Some of them are that the original company did not correct the list of employees after they left the original company. Employees usually do not pay attention to this, and most of them just let it go; Some "employed" employees have become the "heads" of some illegal employers who arbitrarily use their personal information because of illegal transactions; Some illegal employers deliberately and illegally use citizens' personal information for the purpose of tax evasion, obtaining relevant policy subsidies, defrauding loans, enterprise registration, etc; In the process of management and supervision, the relevant departments did not strictly verify the information submitted by the employers, and the awareness of "people do not lift, officials do not investigate" made false employment information exist for a long time.

The more advanced social management is, the more important information is. It is not only a legal requirement, but also a macro management requirement to recognize the infringement routines and hazards of employees' "being employed", to protect employees' personal information from infringement, and to ensure that employment information is true and effective.

To protect personal information from illegal infringement, it is necessary to compare with the people, and the management of relevant departments is more important. Therefore, we need to improve the legal system of personal information protection, strengthen the construction and supervision of the corporate social credit system, and punish the illegal employers that cause employees to be "employed" according to law. It is believed that all parties will work together for a long time to cure the "carbuncle" of employees' "being employed".

Edit: Zhang Weining

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