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Cancellation of the "incorrupt account" means that the anti-corruption system should keep pace with the times

Workers Daily - Han Yunchao, commentator of China Industrial Network
2019-01-03 07:11:08 Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily

  The exploration of anti-corruption system is only ongoing and not completed. Only by constantly building the foundation of the system and making the system more rigorous and perfect can we win the hard fight against corruption.

According to the Hubei Daily, the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection recently issued the Notice on Cancelling Various "Incorruptible Accounts" and Firmly Stopping the Illegal Receipt of Gift and Cash, deciding that from January 1, 2019, the discipline inspection and supervision authorities at all levels in the province will uniformly cancel various "Incorruptible Accounts". Party members and cadres at all levels and national public officials must face to face reject gifts and cash gifts that may affect the fair performance of official duties, exceed the normal exchange of gifts or other violations of regulations. If it is really impossible to refuse in person due to special reasons, it must be returned within 5 days after the event. It is reported that this regulation is the strictest in the country.

The "incorrupt account" is a special account for the cash and securities that can not be returned or can not be refused in person for the party members and cadres to hand in and accept. The original intention of the system design is to open a channel for corrupt officials to save themselves, to some extent, to solve the problem of "passive bribery".

As a supplement to the construction of anti-corruption system, the "incorruptible account" has played a positive role in supervising the integrity and self-discipline of party members and cadres for more than ten years, but also revealed some drawbacks - some party members and cadres refused to accept gifts and turned to the "incorruptible account" to win the reputation of integrity; Some receive more than they pay, but they are corrupt on the surface; Some heard that the Commission for Discipline Inspection, after investigating its own news, scrambled to pay money and goods to the "incorruptible account" in order to cover up the truth.

New problems call for institutional reform. In recent years, 18 provinces, including Hubei, including Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangdong and Chongqing, have successively cancelled the "integrity account", which is not only a timely remedy for the system loopholes, but also a signal of "zero tolerance" against corruption - there is no "buffer zone" for anti-corruption, and accepting property is a corrupt act nailed to the board. The cancellation of the "clean and honest account" has reduced the lucky space for both bribe takers and bribe takers, moved the anti-corruption threshold forward, helped curb bribery, and reaffirmed the consensus of "dare not corrupt", "do not want to corrupt" and "cannot corrupt".

This reform of the anti-corruption system is the embodiment of further strengthening the anti-corruption awareness and the anti-corruption work. The newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that the Party should be strictly governed, pay attention to the early and small, and guard against the creeping things. On the issue of corruption, it is necessary to be clear and precise, to be more tough, and to have a stronger system.

The withdrawal of the "clean government account" from the historical stage is also a vivid practice of keeping pace with the times in building a clean government. Article 88 of the newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China stipulates the nature and punishment of the behavior of party members and cadres accepting gifts, cash gifts, consumer cards, securities, equity, other financial products and other properties that may affect the fair performance of official duties. The establishment of the "integrity account" contradicts with it, so it is a general trend to cancel it.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's anti-corruption work has achieved great results. Party members and cadres have gradually increased their awareness of "dare not corrupt", "do not want to corrupt" and "cannot corrupt", which is largely due to the continuous strengthening of anti-corruption system construction. To fight against corruption and promote integrity, system building is a powerful tool. To tighten the "system cage" for anti-corruption, we must constantly face and solve new problems in practice.

In addition to the "integrity account", in recent years, from "anti four practices" and "eight regulations" to letters and visits, interviews, inspections and supervision; From transparent anti-corruption, holiday anti-corruption, luxury anti-corruption, to online anti-corruption and international pursuit of fugitives, various anti-corruption approaches and measures have gone hand in hand in the process of promoting the construction of the system of punishment and prevention of corruption, accumulated a lot of valuable experience, and explored a path of anti-corruption with Chinese characteristics. Among them, good practices and experience need to be adhered to and constantly improved. For some measures with unsatisfactory practical effects, they should also be timely adjusted, revised, or even resolutely abolished - this is the objective need for efficient anti-corruption and the inevitable process of achieving the expected results in the anti-corruption field.

The exploration of anti-corruption system is only ongoing and not completed. Only by constantly building the foundation of the system and making the system more rigorous and perfect can we win the hard fight against corruption.

Edit: Zhang Weining

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