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Cartoon Review

Bicycle is stuck with a ticket

2018-08-24 11:19:28 Source: Beijing Morning Post

Recently, people in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province found that for the first time, the traffic police attached a "ticket" to the bike sharing parked illegally on the roadside. Shi Wen, instructor of the Second Squadron of the Traffic Police Detachment of Hanzhong Public Security Bureau, told reporters that the so-called "ticket" should be called illegal parking notice, which aims to urge bike sharing enterprises and users to park their vehicles according to regulations. At present, the traffic police have not issued economic tickets to car enterprises or individuals. (Beijing Youth Daily) Only if the supervision is genuine can the auto enterprises be forced to perform their duties and improve the management rules. Wu Qi/Wen Liu Jun/Picture

Edit: Zhang Weining

Cartoon Review

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