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Praise and grieve for heroes

Zhang Bingjian
2019-12-13 15:50:51 Source: Qianjiang Evening News

Grief! Two young and fresh lives just disappeared in the cold night.

According to the Qianjiang Evening News · Houxinwen App, a girl suddenly jumped into the river near Xingfu South Road, Xiasha, Hangzhou, at more than 7 p.m. on December 11. A young man happened to pass by and immediately jumped down to save people. More than three hours later, rescuers found two people in the icy river. Unfortunately, the girl lost her breath and the brave young man also left.

With the reports coming in one after another, the face of the rescuer is becoming clearer and clearer.

His name is Zhang Xueling. He was born in 1990 in Shandong. He will be 30 years old in two months. He is the co-founder of a start-up company and a new Hangzhou man who is struggling in Hangzhou.

On a platform operated by his company, the author found an article entitled "Zhang Xueling: Let ideas fall to the ground and actions blossom". Through this article, we can roughly understand that he is a young man with practical spirit and foresight.

It can be said that at this moment, the courage to do good deeds must have traces to follow in daily life. According to the report, Zhang Xueling did not hesitate to save people, which was totally an instinctive reaction. This instinct shows courage and helpfulness.

"Let ideas fall to the ground and actions blossom". In daily life, Zhang Xueling is a person who "does not complain, does not give up; does what he says, and does what he does". Saving people is an instant decision, but behind it is a long-term mental preparation, otherwise it is difficult to be desperate at this moment.

Zhang Xue led away, but he left us a lot of thinking. Many people often complain about the indifference of the society and blame the onlookers who refuse to rescue in some events. Zhang Xueling proved with his actions that there is no shortage of warm-hearted unsung heroes around us.

I don't know his water quality. At that time, the scene environment was very complex. The light was dim in the evening, just in time to open the gate and discharge water. The water level drop was large and the water flow speed was fast. In times of crisis, he did not think carefully about the possible danger and did not hesitate at all. Zhang Xueling used his instantaneous choice to sublimate the meaning of life and measure the height of his life.

While regretting, I hope you can remember for a long time that on that cold night, a young man warmed everyone with his life.

When we see the news that heroes have gone into the water to save lives, our feelings are always complicated. We praise the hero for coming forward, but we also have to bear the grief of his leaving.

Edit: Zhang Weining

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