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Why Li Ziqi became famous overseas

Zhong Chao
2019-12-09 08:39:52 Source: Guangming Daily

Recently, Li Ziqi, a well-known short video blogger, has attracted wide public attention. On the one hand, because of her contribution to the promotion of intangible cultural heritage, she was awarded the Ambassador for Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Chengdu by Chengdu Culture and Tourism Bureau; Second, her idyllic life in overseas circles has aroused people's interest and love for traditional Chinese culture in many countries, and even triggered many netizens' discussions on cultural output.

There is no doubt that Li Ziqi's works have a strong Chinese style. In March, peach blossoms bloom, and she picks them to make peach blossom wine; In May, when the pipa was ripe, she picked it to make pipa crisps, as well as sericulture, silk reeling, embroidery, bamboo art, carpentry, etc., all of which have distinctive traditional Chinese cultural images. In addition, the low and melodious traditional music style adopted in the video post production has successfully shaped a poetic mountain life. These works can remind people of the clothing, food, sleeping and living of the ancient Chinese people, and imagine a lifestyle that is detached from the consumer society and close to nature. When the modernity problem under the influence of globalization sweeps the world, this lifestyle is likely to resonate with netizens from all countries.

Li Ziqi's overseas popularity is not so much a cultural output as a cultural phenomenon. The cultural output seems to have a preset purpose and motivation, with the implication of the "clash of civilizations theory" that different civilizations compete against each other. Li Ziqi is just an ordinary rural girl. She is unlikely to assume the responsibility of "cultural output". In fact, she is just an entrepreneur who has seized the historical opportunity of the development of short videos and demonstrated the beautiful part of village life with her diligence and delicacy, hoping to gain the recognition and attention of the audience. Of course, from the result, Li Ziqi's works have well landed the excellent traditional Chinese culture in different cultural contexts, and conveyed the delicate, civilized, amiable, smoky and human image of China. This is a vivid case of inheriting and spreading Chinese culture in the era of all media, which has the law of cultural communication worth summarizing.

The integration of culture and the spread of civilization is a wonderful journey, which often coincides with the law of "using without intention, using without intention". How to make one cultural ideal accurately fall into another cultural soil, so as to achieve integration and dialogue between different civilizations, and avoid falling into cultural soliloquy and self admiration, which requires a real in-depth understanding of the differences and similarities between different cultures. In the case of Li Ziqi, we can analyze many values widely accepted by cultures around the world, such as kindness, diligence, courage, harmony with nature and even gender equality, which is also an important reason why she is widely welcomed.

The Chinese traditional culture is extensive and profound, and its internal values have many aspects. We should take its essence, discard its dross, and inherit and develop the values that meet the needs of social progress and human development. Mr. Lou Yulie once pointed out that "compared with western culture, the humanistic spirit of people first is the most fundamental spirit of Chinese culture, and also the most important feature." Li Ziqi's works are not grand narratives, but they record the daily life of an ordinary Chinese, but they just show the humanistic spirit in traditional Chinese culture, This is the important value consensus of the dialogue between Chinese culture and world civilization.

When looking at Li Ziqi's video, the author was impressed by a small casual detail: she threw the crawfish that had not yet grown a big claw back into the pond. For details, see the heart. There are thousands of entrepreneurs of short video content, and she can stand out from them for no reason.


Edit: Zhang Weining

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